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Work was very tiring. Apparently, Luna Judy wanted to do some pack work today and spent most of her time in the daycare. I really dislike her.
"you may dislike her but I hate her" , my wolf growled .
She overworked me for the entire day. I even had to miss lunch. I didn't even think so much work could be found to do in taking care of pups but boy, was I wrong. I washed, I changed diapers, I climbed trees and a whole lot of other things. My muscles were aching and protesting to rest.
"I need to rest", I told Aby as i rested my fatigued body on a chair.
"Ok . Go for a walk. I will cover for you", she said, helping me to my feet .

"Thanks Aby ".

I walked outside and lifted my face to feel the gentle blowing breeze. I instantly felt relieved of all the day's stress and the heartache from the night events. I walked into the woods and sat under a large oak tree. It was my thinking spot as a kid.
I plugged in my headphones and began listening to maps by maroon 5. I lost myself in the music as i sang. I got up from my spot and began twirling like a little girl.
"I was there for you in your darkest times.
I was there for you in your darkest times.
But I wonder where were you, when I was at my worst and on my knees and you stayed behind my back
So i wondered where were you when all the roads you took came back to me.
So i am following the map that leads to you ........"
  As i sang, my body unconsciously brought me straight back to the spot where I glimpsed my mate the night before. Tears sprang to my eyes once more as I furiously blinked them away. I refused to cry. I walked over to a fallen log and sat down while thinking about my mate's green orbs as the song continued to blast in my eatdrums.
A couple minutes later, I saw birds flying towards me, like they were moving from something. I turned off my music player as I listened very closely. I could hear the crunching of dry leaves under the heavy weight approaching . My head snapped up and I crouched low in a defensive stance. I scanned the woods around me, searching for something that would actually threaten my safety. I found nothing. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched
"Who is there?"I asked in a loud voice, trying to keep my voice steady. Silence met my ears.

"Who is there?" I shouted , my wolf rising within me to lend me her strength to defend myself.
There was silence once more.

"Maybe it was a rabbit" , my wolf said.

As my body started to relax after a while, a husky voice said, "Hello little mate"

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