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My sister, Amanda, cried with me when she heard what had happened. She offered to rip Luna Judy's head off her body but I declined the offer. She was really blood thirsty especially for Judy's blood.

After a couple hours of moping around and throwing myself a pity party, I decided to go for one last run around the pack's territory in my wolf form. I decided to run in the direction of the western border.

The pack's territory was really beautiful. Green, lush vegetation covered the wide landscape. A wide creek with clean crystal water gushed through a small opening in the cave. It then meandered creating a small ox bow lake. The creek and the lake was named Crystal Creek because of the pure water that was found there.

I sighed at the view, the sound coming out as a small whine since I was in wolf form. I sat down on my hunches and howled out my pain . I didn't want to leave. Everyone I cared about was right here.

Not everyone, a small voice in the back of my mind said.


He was the one who got me into this mess. But I would do it again to protect him even if he doesn't want me.

My wolf whined at the thought and began pawing furiously into the soil.

"Give me control." Ella said. I gave her control and watched as she ran around the pack's territory.

After a couple of hours, I returned home to find Zach waiting on the porch for me. He seemed serious. I took a tentative step towards him , not knowing why he looked so grim.

"What's wrong Zach ?" I asked, waiting for his reply. When he didn't reply , I repeated my question. It was that time he decided to answer.

"Are you messing around with dark magic?" he asked. I was shocked for a moment and then began laughing like a maniac.

"W...what ......the......hell ?"I managed to get out between laughs.

"I won't repeat myself", he said.

All trace of humor was gone from my face at the seriousness of his facial expression. He was absolutely serious.

"Why would you say something like that? You know how my brother died", I said with unshed tears in my eyes.

Yes, I have a brother. but he died about three years ago because if the dark magic he was practicing. he was trying to do a resurrection spell but he did not come from the correct bloodline of wolves to succeed. And yes, werewolves can practice magic but only a certain bloodline called Gaelins can efficiently wield it.

"I am sorry Liz but the Alpha just announced to the pack that are being expelled because you chanted an incantation to resist the Alpha command." he said to me

"And you believed him" I said, disappointment leaking out of my voice. I strode passed him and went inside to see my sister unabashedly eavesdropping. She looked extremely upset but I knew that her anger was not directed towards me but at her mate. She slapped Zach extremely hard across the cheek, the sound echoing throughout the room.

"How dare you believe that about MY OWN flesh and blood? I can't believe you. Do you want to know why she was able to resist the command?" she asked Zach.

Zach didn't reply. He just kept on looking at her, waiting on her answer. To tell the truth ,I was waiting on her answer. I had told her everything except the fact that Vaughn was an Alpha and that was the only thing that could prove that I was innocent.

"Her mate is an Alpha. And a very powerful one at that ",she said.

For the second time that day I was stunned into silence. How did she found out! It was as if she had heard my unasked question. She turned to look at me. " I could sense that your aura has become powerful. Anytime you spoke , my wolf wanted to submit to you", she said.

While Zach was trying to process the information, I was shocked. Just how powerful is my mate!!!!!

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