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I gasped in shock at the feel of him. He was completely naked, looking like a Greek god. I averted my eyes from his...area to his face. Once again, his raw masculine beauty had me dumbstruck.
In my trance, I raised my hands to touch his lips. He released a heady growl and tightened his arms around me. I used my hands and pulled him down to me, capturing his mouth in a mindblowing kiss. I guess I had caught him off guard because for a few moments, he did not respond. But after a while he began to ravish my mouth.
My vision blurred and my heart began beating at an alarming pace. Heat rushed to my core as he moved his lips to the side of my neck , nibbling and teasing.

It was the feeling of his cold hands against my skin that brought me back to reality. Using all my strength , I pushed him back and inhaled deeply.

When I had regained my composure I looked up at him. He too was breathing rapidly.

"Vaughn ", I said breathily .

There were gasps all around from the men that I had forgotten about.

"Liz" he acknowledged in a husky tone, "what are you doing here ?"

"Uhhmm I was just passing through",I said, a bit tongue tied because of how his husky voice was turning me on.

"You are in no state to move on. Your heat has started."he said.

Heat came monthly for all female wolves just like menestration . During that time, the she wolves are very hormonal.

"Oh" I said.

"You can stay here until it is finished. Come with me."

I followed him back to his packhouse . As we were about to enter he said," Do not call me Vaughn . I am Alpha."

I nodded in reply and stepped inside. Inside was breathtaking. There was a foyer that accommodated a  Serengeti Plant at the foot of a vast curving staircase that probably went to heaven. The floors were made up of polished wood . There was  a graceful banister that curved up toward a soaring second floor gallery.Persian rug covered a shopworn carpet.

This is so beautiful, I thought to myself.

We continued walking and he led me to a small room. "This is where the unmated shewolves stay until their heat is over. This is to prevent them from being attacked by unmated males"he explained

"He is welcome to attack me" Ella said, licking her lips at the thought. I mentally rolled my eyes at her.

Such a horndog.

Inside the room was a small bunk bed with chains attached to it. I looked up at him but he ignored my stare.

"Go and lay down so I can chain you up."he demanded.

I did as I was told and went to lay down. As he reached up to lock the chain, I felt the slightest brush of his hand on my sensitive skin. I moaned aloud at the sensation. I could see that the sound affected him because his very large friend stood at attention. I stared openly at it and smacked my lips. He would taste so lovely.

"Like a strawberry lollipop" Ella agreed.

His eyes darken when he saw me staring at it. He quickly chained me up and walked out of the room without a backward glance.

"It seems as if we do affect him"Ella said thoughtfully

If we did affect him, that meant there was a small chance that our mate may want us.

Prepare yourself Alpha. After my heat, you will be seeing me for a very long time, I thought with a smirk.

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