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I really didn't know how long I have been walking for but I knew for a fact that I was no longer in
Red Moon's territory. I could see that the forest was getting less dense so it meant that I was getting close to where the rival pack settled. I really wanted to see where I was heading so I hauled my bag over my shoulders and began climbing a tree to get an aerial view of the territory.

What I saw made me terrified. Coming towards my location was a group of about twelve wolves. And I could see that they were not coming in peace.
Doing a quick calculation, I decided it would be better if I climbed further up the tree than coming down. I scrambled up the tree and hooked my bag on the branch closest to me.

By the time I had done that, they were almost under the tree I was in. I held my breath, hoping they would just continue on their merry way and let me be. They came to a pause under my tree. I was breathing so fast that I failed to notice that a drop of saliva had fallen from my mouth. My eyes zeroed in on the drop as it fell on the huge brown wolf with a splash , my ears seemed to pick up.
"Dear moon goddess , don't let him feel it" I begged silently but fervently.

It seemed as if my quick prayer was heard because the group of wolves continued on their way. I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I was getting ready to climb down from the tree when I saw that they were coming back in this direction. I went on a thick branch that had a plenty of leaves to hide me from their vision.

"Gamma Bryce, the trail ends here" I heard a voice saying. I looked down and saw that they were back under the tree.

Damn ! Gamma Bryce was one sexy gamma. He had a well muscled chest and he sported a mop of blond hair. I couldn't see the color of his eyes from where I was but I knew they would be stunning as the rest of him.

"stop ogling another man" Ella reprimanded me.

"i am not",i told her

Due to the conversation with my wolf , I did not hear what the Gamma was saying.

All I heard was" We can so this the easy wyestio or the hard way"

I was so confused. What the heck was he talking about. Well I got my answer soon enough.

"Get down from that tree right now."

Oh shit ! They found me. I quickly scanned the area to see if there were any escape route available for me.
It seemed as if he read my mind.

"There is no escape. Our Alpha will be here to kill you soon enough"

I felt like crying. I couldn't even survive one full day as a rogue. I did as I was told and climbed down from the tree.

"Please don't kill me", I begged. "I was just passing through"

"Silly girl", one of the wolves laughed, "no one passes through Blood moon territory and lives."
The rest of the wolves laughed with him. As they were laughing, I saw a small escape route. I pounced on the opportunity and sprinted pass them. But my glee at escaping was shortlived when I ran into a hard wall. Electricity flowed through my entire body and settled ay my core in a pool of desire.
I looked up at familiar green eyes. Eyes that I thought I would never see again.

Vaughn ....

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