Chapter 15

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Vaughn left with the intruder to deal with the rogues which were at the southern border of the territory. I reclined on the bed, the last waves of the heat taking a toll on my already battered body.
I sighed in fatigue and tried to drift off to sleep. As I started to get sleepy, a loud knock brought me back to awareness.

Come in", I groaned out. A beautiful girl came in, her eyes large and wide.

"The Alpha says that you are to eat something until he returns" she said shyly.

"Ok then. Can I get something to wear please?" I asked then quickly added on,"If it's not too much trouble"

"Sure" she said cheerfully as she turned and walked away.
As soon as she left, I got up off the bed. I walked nimbly to the small vanity that was in the south east corner of the room. The person staring back at me in the mirror was most definitely not me.
My beautiful blonde hair was a tangled mess. My eyes had bags underneath and my lips looked red and swollen. At the door of my mouth was...... oh my god, was that dried cum?

I continued to stare at myself, mortified by my appearance.

"Go fix yourself,"Ella told me." Do you think Vaughn would want us when we are looking like this?"

She was right . He wouldn't want me. Tears sprang to my eyes and I closed my eyes, wallowing in self pity.
It was the hesitant footsteps that brought me out of my self induced depression. I turned around to the the girl from earlier with an jeans and a t shirt.
"Thanks," I said." Sorry to be a bother but I really need a shower".

"Follow me " she said.

We walked down the hallway and went up a couple flight of stairs. We then entered the room closest to us.

"You can wash yourself there" , she said.

"Thank you ..... uhmm"

"Linda", she supplied as she handed me the pair of jeans and the T shirt.

"Liz" I said. Just as I said that, my stomach released a loud growl. I flushed , my face red with embarrassment.

"Come on . Let's get something in your stomach before the Alpha returns." Linda said," or better yet, it kills  me for the food"

I laughed at her attempt to lighten the situation. As I followed her into the kitchen one thing crossed my mind, I just might end up liking her.

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