Chapter 16

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I quickly glanced at the clock. I still had an hour of pacing and freaking out to do until the interview at UCLA. I'm super nervous and it doesn't help that no one was home to help out. Andy had been long gone, at a meeting with John. Peyton went shopping for a new dress for her girls night tonight. I picked up my phone and messaged Sammi.

Me: hey! Whatcha doing?

SAMMI<3: out shopping with Peyton for a new dress. What's up?

Me: Just chillin, killin villains at home. Ya know, the usual.

SAMMI<3: ok doll, well I will totally swing by after your interview and we can talk all about it! Love you! Good luck!

Me: okie dokie! See you later. <3 ya!

I set my phone down and took a deep breathe. I fiddled with my neatly curled hair and the long skirt of my dress. I was constantly checking the mirror to make sure the make up I had applied a couple hours ago still looked okay.

2 years later****** {A/N sorry for the huge time gap but I don't want to bore you with filler chapters}

"That's it today, class." Spoke an old fragile looking woman, known as Professor Mae.

I grabbed my bag and stuffed my laptop and notebook into it. I walked out of the building and out into the chilly atmosphere. Let me fill you in. I got accepted at UCLA but I also got accepted into Columbia College in Chicago. I choose Columbia with a major in Music Production during which I would be the person inside the recording studio. When I told Peyton she was really sad but she also knows that I need to explore. She is the only one that knows where I am. She rented our house to Shae, my bestfriend that ended up dating Ashley, and now Peyton is living in New York. I have no idea how this hit everyone, I left while they where on tour. I know that's a total bitch move but I can't stand goodbyes, I figured it would be better if it was a "see ya later". I pulled out my phone and read a familiar number.

Andy: Raven, I don't know where you are or if you've been reading these but... I hope everything is okay. The band is doing really well, we are looking into getting on warped tour again. I miss you and so does everyone else. Sammi really misses having you around. We got a cat. I named it Bruce Wayne. I feel so weird when Ash and Shae invite me to your old house. It's feels so empty. Your room is just how you left it. Shae doesn't want to change anything just in case your back soon. C.C doesn't act the same and won't walk into a Starbucks anymore. Well, I hope your having a good time and I hope I see you soon. Bye....

Every once in a while Andy or Sammi will send me a text. I really do miss them. But I will be back in three years, and it will go by quick... I hope. I quickened my step as I walked across the street to my favorite vegan diner, Chicago Diner. It was delicious. When I walked in I waved to a couple familiar servers and slid into an empty booth. I played bread kittens on my phone until someone slid into the booth on the other side of me.

"Hey!! How was class?" The girl with wavy hair that faded from pastel purple into light pink, a bright shining smile, size ten gauges, a nose ring, and big brown eyes, asked me.

"Great! How was yours?" I ask. She shrugged.

"Eh, my teacher can be a bit iffy sometimes." She told me. The waitress came by.

"Hey raven! What can I get you to start out with?" She asked.

"Can I get a peanut butter cookie dough shake please?" I ordered, she nodded.

"For you, zaniah?" The waitress asked.

"Same please. Thank you!" Zaniah answered with her million dollar smile. We talked about classes and what we were gonna do that night, seeing that it was a Friday. We agreed on going to the movies and seeing monsters university. We are the college partyers huh? After we ate some falafel and grilled cheese we paid and headed to the movie theater. The movie was great. After it was over we played some video games and left. She stayed at my apartment that night and we had girl talk.

"Soooo... Did you leave behind any boys?" She asked. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I avoided her gaze.

"Uh, yeah." She looked at my like I was insane.

"Gimme the deets!!" She yelled, Impatient.

"His name is Andy and we got really close before I left but he was gone when I left. He was on tour and I never told him or any of them where I was going....." I spilt.

"God! You are such a bitch sometimes Raven." She told me honestly.

"I know! I know! But... I didn't want to say goodbye." I trailed off.

"Did he do something to make you leave like that?" Zaniah questioned. I shook my head.

"Do you talk to him every once in a while?" She continued. I shook my head.

"Does he even know your alive?" She asked for one last time. That was something I had never thought about. What if he thinks I'm dead? What if everyone thinks I'm dead?

"I don't know...." I barely get out.

"What if-" she starts.

"Can we not? I don't mean to be rude but I can't take it anymore. Lets talk about you, what's your background story like?" I changed the subject quickly. We had never spent the night together. I met her a couple months after I had gotten here and have only met up with her every once in a while.

"Well, I moved here from the suburbs of Chicago, called Naperville. I lived with my grandparents and studied film. I didn't leave anyone behind..especially not back in England I was too young to remember. It's only a fourty five minute drive." I nodded. We played truth or dare, got drunk, and I ended up calling people. Certain special people.

Love Isn't Always Fair ~Andy Biersack love storyWhere stories live. Discover now