Chapter 7

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Raven pov

It had been half and hour since Ashley and C.C left to create the party. I was a bit nervous since everyone kept giving me crap about how I shouldn't have told them to plan the party. But I mean it's Ashley and C.C... What could they do? Oh god. Maybe it won't be that bad. Pfffft who am I kidding? well at least I'll have Andy to calm things down. Well the girls and I were ready for the party as soon as we touched up our makeup. The guys finally put on some skinny jeans and various misfits, motley Crüe, and iron maiden shirts. Andy helped me walk until we got to the car. The car ride was filled with mumbles about who everyone thought was going to be there, I wasn't paying attention until I heard a very special name... Or two.

"you guys think they invited Ronnie and Jacky?" asked jake.

"probably." Jinxx mumbled unfazed by the mentioning of two members of falling in reverse.

"wait wuh?" I shouted

Andy smiled at me, " you know them?"

"yesss! Yay!" my brain flooded of memories from a year ago, the day I met falling in reverse at vans. I was convinced that was the happiest day ever! I had walked into the tent and my eyes met jacky.

"hey!" he said happily taking the cd and scribbling his signature on it. I had felt myself blush, until I realized he had talked to me and I still hadn't responded.

"hey..." I mumbled, my voice trembled because of nerves. I moved onto Ronnie. He scribbled his signature onto the cd as well.

"ha-ha" he said pointing out my fan girlism.

*end of flashback*

"hello? Raven?" Andy called snapping at me.

I giggled, "this should be.... Awkward" I mumbled.

Andy just rolled his eyes. We pulled into the street that was on the invite Ashley had texted us. He had rented a mansion. Oh god. Cars filled the street, parked on both sides. I'd never been to a party like this before. What if I make a complete fool of myself? Ah well, I did this to myself. I calmed my nerves while I made my way over to the mansion, Andy never leaving my side. All the sudden my crutch plunged into the grass, causing me to lose my balance. My ankle twisted in an awkward angle,I screamed in pain. I hit the ground hard. I yelled again. My ribs had been jarred when I hit the ground. All I could do was sit there an force the tears to stay in my eyes. Unfortunately that didn't work. They streamed down my face as andy gently and slowly picked me up off the ground bridal style. I buried my face in his chest, wincing at the pain each step Andy took caused. Of course I would fall 5 minutes after I replace my ankle brace with the other shoe, trying to be fashionable. Andy walked me into the house and over to a bed. He laid me down and kissed my forehead.

"do you want me to stay with you?" he asked worried

I shook my head, "go have fun, it doesn't look like I'm going anywhere."

"I really don't have to, I wouldn't mind if I had to stay with you..." Andy begged.

"go suffer for the both of us" I told him with a smile.

He playfully pouted as he turned and walked out the door.

A few minutes later I heard laughing and shouts, they were having fun and there was no way I was going to miss it. I dragged my self up and grabbed my crutches making my way to the master bath. I washed the smeared stage makeup off my face and fixed my hair. After I reapplied the makeup I laid back down for a few minutes since I had to make it down two flights of stairs. The door flew open, I jumped. There stood Ashley and some random girl, eating each others face. I gagged. I got off the bed.

"it's ok I'll leave.... Don't worry about it I'm fine... Thanks for the offer Ashley but I think I can make it down the stairs by myself..." I rolled my eyes at my conversation I just had with the imaginary Ashley who wasnt getting busy, I shut the door behind me. I hit something as I walked out of the room.

"Watch where your-" I stopped as soon as I saw who I ran into.

Ronnie Radke.

"I'm sorry." he chuckled

"what's so funny?" I asked, slightly angry, but angry at Ashley not Ronnie.

"you talking to Ashley...... We've been here for about 30 minutes and he's already got some bimbo, completely ignoring such a beautiful girl like you."

I felt my face go red.

"thanks, my names raven, have you seen Andy anywhere?" I changed the subject quickly

" yea he's downstairs. Need help?" Ronnie asked.

I nodded my head and he took my arm and lead me down stairs. I saw Andy as soon as I made it down. He was sitting on the couch watching batman comics, so I thanked Ronnie and plopped down on the couch next to Andy.

"raven?!? I thought you were-"

"Ashley." I stated simply

He nodded his head understandably.

"you should be resting." he scolded

"and you should be partying" I mocked

He nodded and we got up to talk to the party goers, some where after talking to some girl from automatic love letter, Juliet Simms, we got split up. I made my way over to Ashley, who was standing next to Jinxx.

"hey raven!" shouted Ashley

"hey ash."

"how did I do?"

I looked at him confused.

"with the party" he cleared

"great! I was expecting worse." I told him honestly.

He had a playfully hurt look on his face as he left me alone with Jinxx. I moved over next to him to avoid choking on the smell of perfume from the line of girls following Ashley.

"where's Andy?" Jinxx asked.

I shrugged. I didn't want to be too controlling with him.

"do you wanna go?" Jinxx asked me, " me and Sammi are going to watch a movie, you're welcome to come with."

"please get me out of here!" I begged.

Jinxx laughed and helped me to the door. I heard two giggly voices and turned around.

Sammi and Ella. They were dragging Ashley behind them who was blowing kisses goodbye to everyone. We walked to the car and pulled into the hotel. I laid down on one of the beds next to Ashley.

"hey there sexy lady." he winked

"yeah, I'm sure all the fellas have a fetish for crutches." I replied

"you never know, there are some extremely creepy men out in the world" he replied with a smile.

I laid my head down on his chest.

"ya know, I'm not as everyone thinks." he started, "but neither is Andy."

"what do you mean?"

"I mean he's human, he will make mistakes, I just want you to know I'm here for you ok?"

"thanks Ashley, but, I really like Andy..." I trailed off hoping he got the message.

"I know, you're like a little sister to me from now on, we are family."

"thanks ash."

He took a deep breath and rubbed my back as my eyes got heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

Authors note: sorry I haven't updated for like a zillion years but I hope you enjoyed it :)

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