Chapter 9

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The next day I had woken to the sound of the phone ringing. I got up and ran to the phone expecting it to be Andy, but as I grabbed my phone I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I remembered crying myself to sleep, and the events that had caused me to do that. I answered the phone.

"hello?" I groaned

"a woman's sleepy voice is probably the sexiest thing ever!" the familiar voice exclaimed


"hello" he gladly returned

"how did you- screw it I'm not asking questions. You wanna do something today?" I giggled

"you read my mind. Where?"

"up to you."

"alright it's a surprise, be at your house in... And hour?"

"sure!" I started roaming through my wardrobe as we exchanged addresses

I jumped in the shower and washed the mascara the was run down my face. I came out changed, reapplied makeup, brushed my teeth, and teased my hair. I slipped my leather dress on and my combat boots, I wore both because I hated those stupid crutches. When I was finally ready I had about ten minutes till Ronnie would be there. I walked into Peyton's room and gave her a hug.

"bye Peyton. I'll be home later." I whispered

She snapped up and smothered me in a hug " I heard you crying last night, talk about it when you get back?" she questioned with worry in her eyes

"definitely" I said in my normal bubbly tone

She faked a smile a laid back down. I heard the knock at the door.

"hello Ronnie" I greeted him

"hello," he said with a warm smile.

We walked to his car, he opened the door for me and helped me in.

"so how are you and Andy?"

I looked down. The one topic I was trying to avoid is the first one we talk about.

"we uh-"

"what'd he do to you?" he asked. His mood was completely serious and protective. A flash of anger even showed in his eyes.

"nuh-" I started, I tried to suppress the memory," nothing." I told him, it wasn't completely a lie.

"what happened?" he asked, not dropping the subject.

"we... We broke up."

"are you ok?" he asked

"well I mean yea... I guess... It's all my fault anyway."

The car came to a stop. Ronnie got out of the car and came to my door.

We walked through the woods for a bit and came to an opening. Swing sets. We walked over and sat down. He looked deep into my eyes

"it's not your fault ok?"

I brushed him off.

"what's your.... Favorite color?"

"purple!" I told him with a huge smile. He laughed. We told stories of our childhood as we swung. He told me of his mom abandoning him, I told him of my mom disappearing when I was 13. My dad passed away a couple years ago. Peyton and I lived with my aunt for a year until we could move out on our own, turns out she had clinical depression and committed suicide the day we moved out.

He stared at me dumbfounded. "wow...."

"happy subject time!" I jumped up and tossed him my phone, while I laid down on the ground picking flowers.

My phone started ringing, Ronnie looked at me, 'answer it' I mouthed.


"uh huh... Ok..... What?!? Yea alright bye" he closed the phone angrily

"what's wrong?"

"so... That was ashley."

"uh huh."

"he found your... Razor"

Crap. How did he find it? It was in my bag. I mean like, hidden, well too.

When I looked up, Ronnie was already on his knees staring at my wrists. I pulled them closer to me to hide the scars. Ronnie grabbed my arm and pulled it back towards him. He traced over the scars lightly with his finger.

"Ronnie I-"

"you don't need to explain to me raven, ok? I am not the person to be judging someone else"

"ok" I mumbled. He pulled me into a tight embrace and we just sat there, in each others arms, no need for words.

Time went by quickly, and before I knew it the sun was going behind the horizon.

Ronnie drove me to the hotel that the guys were staying at to get my things.

"you want me to wait?"

"no, it's ok, thank you though"

He nodded and drove off. I gathered all my strength a walked into the hotel, and up to the front desk.

"Andy biersack's room?" she nodded and grabbed the phone calling up to his room. She gave him my name, and he gave her permission to let me up. When I got there, everyone was in. Jake, Ella, Jinxx, Sammi, c.c., Ashley, Andy, and.... And Juliet. Goodie.

"I just came to get my uh things." I mumbled.

C.C. ran to the door and gave me a hug.

"don't leave." he whispered

I gave him a sad smile and walked towards Ashley.

"hello love." he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I heard you uh found the..."

He nodded and pointed to my bag.

I said my goodbyes to everyone. I was amazed at how attached we had gotten in the amount of time Andy and I were together. I stopped awkwardly at Andy.

"I'm sorry about leaving my things here." I looked away and passed Juliet on the way out

"hello, I'm raven, you must be Juliet." I left at that and walked down to the lobby.

Shit. I have no car. I opened the bag for my wallet when I spotted a piece of paper

'we love you raven! -Ashley, Jinxx, Sammi, Ella, jake, and c.c.'

Underneath was ' call me if you need anything- big bro'

I picked up the phone and dialed ash.


"hey. I uh need a ride, please?"

He chuckled and hung up.

I rolled my eyes and sat down where I was standing. Guess I'll wait for Peyton to get my text.

Love Isn't Always Fair ~Andy Biersack love storyWhere stories live. Discover now