Chapter 11

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* 1 hour later*

'Ring! Ring! Ring!'

"uhhh!" I shouted, picking myself up off the couch and dragging myself over to the phone.

"hello?" I answered

"I'm outside." the voice replied.

"who the ffff..... CRISTIAN COMA!!"

"hello love."

"why are you calling me?" I asked

"I'm outside........ I told you that...." he said with the 'are you stupid?' tone.

I walked upstairs to the door and yanked it open. Of course, I was greeted by the beautiful face of c.c. The sexy face of Ashley. The normal awkward face of jake. The outspoken Ella. The kind face of Jinxx. The wonderful Sammi. And then there was Andy and his satanic girlfriend.... Juliet. Woah... Calm down, I told myself. I don't even really know her... Ugh! Normally I'd be grateful I get to spend time with my friends and Andy, but noooo, he had to bring Juliet.

"heyyy....guys." I said, forcing a smile. They all followed me into the basement, where Ronnie and skyler were.

"raven? Who's here?" Shae asked.

"oh just the.... Guys.... And there dates...." I called back awkwardly.

"the guys?" she questioned.

I face palmed..... She didn't know about them....

"black veil brides...." I said as we stepped away from the staircase and towards the couch. I could see the surprise on her face but she snapped back to normal almost instantly.

"hi, I'm skyler!" she greeted.

"I'm-" Ashley started.

" save your breath, I know who you guys are...... That sounded creepy." she admitted.

" I mean.. We are in an awesome rock band... How could you not know us?" Ashley laughed. Everyone took a seat in various places. Skyler was sitting with Ashley. All the couples sat together, and then there was me, Ronnie, and c.c.

"you guys wanna watch a movie?" c.c asked.

"BATMAN!!!!" I shouted.

"um.... No......" Juliet said, "what about spiderman?" she offered.

I shook my head vigorously, "I don't own a marvel movie, other then the avengers.... And we could all guess why I have that, it came with a soundtrack, a now signed soundtrack." I ranted. Andy smiled and I felt a stab in my stomach. I missed him.

"drinks anyone?" Ashley asked pulling out various bottles.

"where did...... Whatever." I said grabbing a bottle of whiskey and taking a huge gulp.

"damn! Girl knows how to handle her liquor!" Ronnie shouted.

I just laughed and took another gulp. Ashley eyed me curiously. I avoided eye contact and drank away any feelings for Andy.

Half a bottle later the room didn't feel so tense. Me and Ronnie were dancing. When I stopped dancing I noticed Andy and Juliet tongue wrestling. My heart sank. I grabbed Ronnie and pulled him close, passionately kissing him and, to my surprise, he kissed back. When I pulled away for air the room was deadly silent. I looked around and noticed almost everyone was looking at us. I noticed Andy's glared the most. It was filled to the brim with hate. Pure hatred. I looked into Ronnie's longing eyes and kissed him again. This time after breaking away, I went upstairs and brought down more alcohol.

I woke up the next morning with a pain as if someone as driving nails into my head. I looked around me and pet the ground I was on. But it wasn't the ground. It was green, slightly rough... I was laying on a pool table. Except we didn't have a pool table at our house. I looked up and was greeted by the very angry eyes of a bar manager.

" I'm so-" was all I could get out before the party from last night bit me in the ass. I puked all over him. I felt so disgusting but all I could do was lay down again thanks to this killer hangover.

"ma'am I believe you need to leave." he stated grumpily.

"trust me, I'm not too happy I'm here either, and I would leave if I could, but I don't know how I got here, therefore I don't know how to leave." I stated ,very clever I might add, for me having the worst headache ever.

"how bout you call those friends you were here last night..."

"ughhh, that means I have to get up... And I really don't feel like it." I told him with a bit of an attitude .

"I really don't mind calling the police" he retorted

"fine! God someones pmsing!" I shouted earning a few smiles from the customers. I slowly got up and went to the pay phone.

"If you want me gone so bad then I need money for the phone." I told him holding out my hand. He rolled his eyes and dug in his pockets for some loose change. Handing me a couple quarters I dialed ronnies number.

"hello?" came his groggy voice

" hey, babe, I need you-" I started

" its a bit early for a booty call isn't it?" he chuckled

"shut up!" I laughed, "but really I'm at the bar on 5th and I don't have a way to get home...."

" I'm on my Hun, be there in five."

"thanks, your amazing." I hung up and turned to the bar manager.

"I should be out of your hair in no time." I smiled. Soon, Ronnie was there and I was free to leave. I got in the car and smiled at Ronnie. We drove home and talked about what happened the night before. Crazy stories I'd rather not repeat. When we got home I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair and makeup. When I got downstairs Ronnie was sitting there looking at me with the longing eyes again.

"I have a question..." Ronnie started.

"what's up?" I asked

"well, last night, when you kissed me... I was wondering if we could do that all the time, and if I could call you mine.... Will you be my girlfriend raven?"

I was in shock, memories of Ronnie and I flooded my memory.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...." Ronnie said sadly.

"no!! I would love to but only under one condition.."

"what's that?" he asked.

"I can call you mine." I smiled quoting him. The next thing I know my lips met his.

Love Isn't Always Fair ~Andy Biersack love storyWhere stories live. Discover now