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I violently push Cortez away & hurry to the other side of the room. He looks at me, very confused as I scurry away. I couldn't believe I was about to let him kiss me! Was I completely out of my mind? Maybe the lack of marijuana & alcohol was finally having effects on my brain.
Maybe I just missed Nani so I was feeling weak. I don't know what was wrong with me! But I couldn't fuck with this guy! He was a guy, for starters. Ew! Secondly, I was already in love.
"Whats wrong with you?" Cortez questioned.
"Can you please leave?" I insisted.

He rolled his eyes & dismissed himself. I sighed in relief, ecstatic that he wasn't harassing me anymore. But I knew he'd be back in the morning to do his job. Great. Now shit is gonna be weird as fuck & I won't have anyone to talk to until Nani comes home.


Helena came over the next week. We had been texting each other non-stop & talking on the phone all the time. She was real cool & she didn't judge at all. I told her all about me being gay & that I used to be a bartender. She acted like it was just normal to her & thats the best shit I could ask for. Somebody was always ignorantly questioning me about my job or my relationships with women. Helena just accepted it all. Reminded me of Gia. God damn, I miss that girl.
I never had a best friend like her. I never had anyone who understood me like that. Gia was my everything, she was my support system. You don't really value somebody until they're not there anymore. I wish I could've told her how much she meant to me. I hope she knows.

Helena & I had been gossiping all day. She was telling me about her many men that she consorted with. But she was mostly fond of this one boy Lashawn. She claims she'd been messing with this kid since she was a Junior in high school. Shit, they should be married by now.

"Girl you sound like you in love," I teased.
"Who you telling? If only he acted right. That'd be my husband right there," Helena replied.
"He just can't leave them hoes alone?"
"Not even that, just he acts like a dickhead in front of his friends & refuses to claim me. But his mother knows me, she loves me. I been in his house a million times, & sleep over just as often.   He tells me he's in love with me but can't even act right in front of his homeboys."
"I understand what you going through ma, trust me. But if he the right one, he'll come around."
"Have you ever been cheated on?" Helena blind sided me with that one.
"Yeah, but who hasn't?" I replied.
"How did you deal with it?"

Damn. Helena was getting real deep today.

"I didn't really deal with it at first. Took me a few months to put it past me." I replied.
"So you stayed?" Helena pried.
"Yes, my current girlfriend has put me through hell. Everyone thinks I should hate her but I just can't. My girl just does it for me. Yeah she fucked up badly but I know that girl loves me."
"You love her?"
"Hell yeah or else I wouldn't be having a baby with her!"

Helena looked confused for a few seconds.
"Where is she? Y'all don't live together?" She asks.
"This is her house actually. Shes just away right now." I explained.
"Girl stop short selling me! Tell me whats up with y'all. Where your girl at?"

I shook my head as I laughed. This girl Helena was too fucking much for me.
"Well, this isn't usually one of the first things I would tell someone. But my girl is in rehab for numerous drugs. She became an addict a few months ago & I couldn't stand to see her like that anymore."
"Damn baby, you been through it."
"You ain't gotta tell me that, girl."

Helena consoled me but I encouraged her not to. I hate that pity bullshit. Plus, Nani & I were better now. There wasn't shit to cry about. Everyone wanted me to still be crying over shit I can't change.

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