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Nani woke up the morning after the accident. She was weak & in a lot of pain but she was managing. I had to keep the lights turned off in her room because of her massive headaches. I had to feed her & give her constant massages just to keep her somewhat comfortable. She was so miserable & it made me feel horrible knowing I couldn't make her better. All I wanted was for her to be better. I wanted her to enjoy life & be happy again. But the amount of pain she was in on top of the stress of having crazy niggas coming after her, lets just say she wasn't a happy camper.

"I'm so sorry," I pleaded to her. "I'm sorry I let this happen to you,"
Nani shook her head slowly.
"Don't take responsibility for my bullshit," Nani whispered.
"I'm just upset that I couldn't prevent it. I don't want you feeling this way."

Nani put her hand over my mouth. I chuckled a bit, she was still supporting me even though she was the one in need of support.
"Go home," she groaned. "You need to rest,"
"I don't wanna leave you. What if something happens?" I inquired.
"I'll be fine, please go home. Camille needs her mama."

She was right. I had a baby to take care of. My mom & siblings were going back to Ohio tomorrow & somebody needed to be there for my daughter. So I left. I went home to my baby. I held her in my arms from the moment I got home until everyone went to sleep that night. In the morning before everyone left, my mom came into my room to say goodbye to the baby & I. She looked real concerned & worried about me. I told her not to worry, even though I was having the most terrible anxiety. I was absolutely petrified of being alone, I was petrified of Nani coming home & this person coming back for her. My mom could see that but she took my word that I'd be alright.

1:35PM, I had just finished working out when I got a call. Helena heard what happened to me, she also heard about Nani & offered some comforting words. She asked if she could come over to the house & check on me. I had no problem with her coming over, I needed it.
Helena was slowly becoming my new best friend. I told her everything & she gave me advice. We saw each other quite frequently. Shit ever since I gave birth, Helena & I have been getting together to smoke every other week. When I met this girl, I never would've pegged her as a pothead but she smokes like a chimney. She was a super chill person & really down to earth, thats why I liked her.

Helena showed up at the house about an hour later. She looked good today & she smelled amazing too.
"Hey mama," She greeted me.

I could smell the weed on her. Her eyes were bloodshot & she had a bag of chips in her hand. Luckily Camille was upstairs napping & wouldn't be exposed to the fumes.
"Where the weed at?" I reply.

She tosses her large handbag at me. Rummaging through it, I find an Entourage cigar & a Ziploc bag full of bud. I led Helena out back by the pool so we could roll up. And I of course had to fill her in on the recent melodrama.
"So bitch let me tell you-,"
"Wassup girl?" Helena inquired.
"Nani got shot,"
"You're lying,"
"Nuh uh. It was a drive by,"
"What the hell?!"
"Camille & I were both in the car! They almost hit me, too."

Helena shook her head in disgust.
"Where Nani at?" She asked.
"Shes in the hospital for a few days. She needs to get her strength back." I explained.
"Aw, poor baby."

Helena grabbed the rolled blunt from me & lit it. I took it upon myself to retreat to the kitchen & pour 2 glasses of red wine. I needed to relax & this was the perfect remedy. A fat blunt & some wine never failed to put my mind at ease. The blunt was almost finished but I could hear Camille fussing in her playroom. I had put her down for a nap in her playpen about 2 hours ago.
Her face was so red when I picked her up. She was pissed off about something. Camille only cried this hard when she shit herself. So I knew I had a stinky diaper to change. Yikes. She didn't stay up after I changed her. As soon as that baby powder hit her skin, she nodded off. I guess she was still really tired.
Camille was so precious, looking at her drift back to sleep in her playpen warmed my heart. I had to wash my hands though, I felt icky just sitting there touching things with un-sanitized hands. Standing at the sink in the guest bathroom, I could feel Helena's arms wrap around me. I turn my head to look at her & I laugh.
"What's up?" I giggle.
"Whats up with you?" She replied.

Helena rubbed my upper thighs & the sides of my stomach.
"I had to change the baby," I explained to her.

I dried my hands with a nearby towel then turned to face her. Helena had a smirk on her face that I'd never seen before. It was a look of lust, as if she wanted me. She was probably just drunk so her eyes were foggy. But regardless she was giving me goosebumps.
"Why you breathing my air?" I teased.
"You don't want me to touch you?" Helena questions.

No words came out of my mouth. I just looked at her as she came closer to me, craning her neck down & puckering her lips. I obliged her. I pulled her body in so it would be pressed against mine. Her tongue swirled around my mouth while her hands wondered down my shorts.
"What are you doin'?" I hollered, pushing Helena away.
"Shh, relax." Helena replies with the biggest smile on her face.
"Helena, I can't. I really can't,"

Helena picks me up & puts me on the counter. She begins kissing the space in between my breasts. She looks up at me & begins pulling on my shirt. I hop off the counter & follow her lead. Helena opens the shower door & begins to undress in front of me. She & I hung out all the time but I'd never seen her body before.
Her skin was smooth, free of blemishes. She was curvy & voluptuous. She was definitely thicker than me & I loved that. Seeing her naked excited me, which probably shouldn't be happening.

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