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Camille was running a fever of 103.6 & I was scared out of my mind. I didn't have a car just yet so I had to break down & give up my pride to call Ghost. At first she really didn't want to hear me, she was about to hang up on me but once I mentioned that the baby was sick she became concerned. She agreed to give me a ride to the hospital & was at my apartment in less than 20 minutes. We ran every red light & stop sign trying to get there. I didn't even let Ghost put the car in park before I jumped out with Cami in my arms. She was in & out of consciousness and her body was going limp. Every part of her I put my hand on was so hot, it was the scariest feeling not knowing what was happening to my baby. I ran in screaming & a nurse immediately came up to me asking me what was wrong. After I explained her situation the nurse too her to the back & told me to stay in the waiting room.
So of course I sat down but I couldn't stop shaking my leg & my teeth were chattering out of control. My baby just turned 2 a few days ago & she looked like she was on her deathbed this morning. Why was all of this happening? What did I do?

Ghost finally came into the room & sat next to me asking about Camille.
"They took her to the back I don't know whats going on," I explained.
"Well at least they're doing something, relax okay?" Ghost consoled me.
"What if something is seriously wrong?"
"Then the doctors will fix it, calm down. You freaking out won't make her better, you just need to breathe."
I knew she was right but how could I not be scared? How could I not freak out? This was my only baby, just the thought of something happening to her petrified me.
About an hour later a different nurse than before came out and called my name. She escorted me to the Pediatric ward where Camille was laying down in a bed. She was hooked up to an en finished her sentence I was blubbering like a baby. Ghost wrapped her arms around me trying to keep me from collapsing. My heart was breaking in half & I could feel it. I didn't even want to listen to anything else the nurse had to say, I didn't want to believe it either. I just wanted to click my heels 3 times & have this all just be a dream. My baby didn't deserve this, why was God torturing my little princess?

I sat at her bedside all night long, only going to the bathroom once. I just stared at her thinking what sin I committed that warranted this. Camille woke up a few times during the night in tears, I would have to rub her belly to put her back to sleep. Nani used to do that all the time & it always worked. Ghost left at 9:30 because she had work the next morning but she promised to visit me when her shift was over at 2pm. Masaccio was home alone so I asked Ghost to check on her today before she came here, bring her food or something.
"Hey Miss Evans, a woman is asking if she can come visit. She says shes your girlfriend." A nurse remarked, peering in the room.
"Send her in, thank you."

Camille looked so peaceful when she slept, I couldn't take my eyes off her so I never looked up. Not until I felt a hand on my shoulder & a presence behind me.
"Ugh, why are you here? And why are you touching me?" I hissed.
"I wanted to see my daughter, thats why!" Nani barked.
"Shes my daughter not yours!"
"Thats not the shit you were talking before,"
"You mean 3 months ago?"
"Can you stop with that? I know you're mad cause I didn't get back to you. But I left tour early because of that! I didn't want to be without contact. I wanted to see how you & the baby were doing. If I had came home any sooner I would've lost money."
"So money is more important than us? Look at where you're standing, Nani! This could've happened while you were away! Then what?" I hollered.

Nani rubbed her forehead in frustration but she kept her silence. She knew I had a valid point, her selfishness & greed got the best of her. You can't be selfish when you have a family, but Nani just fails to realize that.
"I get it, I get it. I'm selfish, I'm a piece of shit. But give me a chance to grow. I'm still maturing." She explained.
"25 & you're still maturing? You had 2 fucking years to get your act right. I'm not giving you any more of my time." I replied.
"Baby c'mon. Don't do this,"
"Nani I can't anymore, I'm done."

Nani stepped closer to me & moved a strand of hair from my face. She kissed me passionately, pulling my body closer to hers. I caressed her face in my hands; it felt so good being that close to her again. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't pull away from her. Deep down this is what I had been longing for & it sent a tingle up my spine to finally get it. When she finally pulled away we just stared at each other. She smiled & I just shook my head.
"I appreciate you coming, babe. But I need to be alone with my daughter. I can't see you." I explained.
"Can I see you some time? We should talk," Nani asked.
"Maybe, I don't know. But when I figure it out I'll text you."
"Please, Mac. Give me a chance,"
A single tear fell from Nani's eye but she quickly wiped it away. Nani hates crying, especially in front of people.
"Not right now, Nala. I'll talk to you later,"
She nodded her head & turned to leave. I could hear her choking on her tears before the door closes behind her. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I should do.

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