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This morning, waking up next to Nani was so refreshing. I just wanted to stare at her. I never wanted to take my eyes off her, just in case of an illusion. Even with my huge ass belly & horrible back pains, I managed to eat her pussy all night long last night. I just missed her so much, I couldn't wait. It was like I was starved of her this whole time she was away & now I'm satisfying my hunger for her. I never wanted to be away from her like that ever again.

When I was finally able to break eye contact, I brushed my hair & my teeth then proceeded to head downstairs. I made Nani & myself something to eat really quick. I could've gone all out but I was sore & I needed to lay down.
Nani had been nothing but sweet since she got home. She doesn't use her phone as much & she gives me a lot of attention. Nani was always kissing me or touching me. She was so affectionate & hands on with me, it was like she was a new person.
It really saddened me to see Nani all strung out like that. I never wanted things to get like that. I never anticipated something so fucked up happening to us. Hopefully Nani was strong willed & can resist any temptation. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her again. Next time she could die, rehab might not even be an option. I want to enjoy every last second I have with this woman.

My phone rings. Its Helena. I want to answer but I decline the call cause Nani & I were cuddling and watching TV. I tried to just act like nothing happened. Unfortunately Nani wasn't having it. She questions me, asking who was it that was calling. Of course I'm honest with her, I had no reason to lie. But I don't think it made a difference, Nani was furious.

"I don't like that bitch!" Nani exclaims.
"She ain't done nothing to you! Stop acting like a bitch," I snap at her.
"Since when do you have friends out here? You going out & meeting people now?"
"I went to the grocery store, she was there."
"Then you took her home & ate her pussy in my house?" Nani questioned.
"No! Do you see what I look like? How does my fat ass look tryna bring women up & through here?"
"I don't know, I didn't ask about that."
"Can you stop acting up?" I holler.
"You the one acting up,"
"What? Are you crazy?!"

The doorbell sounds. Who the fuck was here? How did they get passed the gate? This was not the time for visitors & shit.
"Oh so you gave that little ho the code to my gate?" Nani pressed me.
"Can you stop? She don't got access to your gate. I don't know who the fuck that is." I responded.
"Alright then go find out!"

Rolling my eyes, I walked out of the living room into the foyer. I looked through the peephole to see Cortez damn near staring back at me. What the fuck? I wasn't in the mood for this right now.
I opened the door & quickly placed myself outside, hoping Nani wouldn't notice.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" I whisper.
"I'm doing my job, what the fuck are you doing? Let me in," He replied, trying to push passed me.
"Its not even your turn today. Plus, Nani is home. Y'all don't need to check on me anymore."
"You lying, you just don't wanna be around me. And I understand how you're feeling but I just wanna talk to you. I wanna make you understand,"

My heart began to speed up, I was so nervous I couldn't organize my thoughts. This nigga was really crazy.
"Cortez I don't wanna understand nothing. I need you to leave," I explained.
"Why? Why can't you just listen to what I have to say?" He plead.

The door creaks open behind me. My heart drops into my stomach, I can't move & I can barely breathe. Nani acknowledges Cortez, saying hello. She explains that he can go home because she's home now. But he stands his ground, he doesn't move from his spot on the front steps. Nani looks over at me, seeing my nervous expression. She immediately gets suspicious because shes not stupid at all.
"The fuck is going on?" She asks.

I'm still trying to regulate my breathing so I don't reply. I felt like I was about to pass out. Cortez tells Nani he needs to talk with me in private & that he'll deal with her later.
"Deal with me? Hunny you not dealing with nothing if you still wanna get your paycheck on Friday after I fire your goofy ass." Nani hissed.
"I don't even care if you fire me, Mac & I need to talk." He responded.
"Nigga no we don't!" I finally broke my silence.
"Mac what the fuck is going on? What did you do?" Nani hollered at me.
"I ain't do nothing!"
"So you didn't tell her what happened between us?" Cortez interjected.
"Excuse me?! You fucking him now?!" Nani screamed.
"Ain't nothing happened between us! This nigga lying! He's mad cause he tried to kiss me & I rejected him!" I explained.

Nani once again turns her attention to Cortez. She cusses him out for even thinking about crossing that line with me. He calls her a dumb bitch & steps forward as if he was planning to get physical. I stepped in front of Nani, blocking her from any harm.
"You better step ya ass back. I'm not playing," I warned him.
"Or what? Your pregnant ass not doing nothing!" He barked.
"Oh please little boy, don't get crazy with me now. You literally came here chasing some pussy that you never even had. You're the definition of pathetic & thirsty, don't raise your voice at me, bitch."

Cortez began to laugh but he did step back away from me. I didn't know what the fuck was so funny but he had better get the fuck out of here! I barked at him, telling him to leave. It took 15 minutes of yelling back & forth for him to finally get in his car. I was beyond relieved when he finally drove off the property.
Nani of course still had her concerns.

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