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There was an immense pressure in my belly. I felt like I had to shit but I sat on the toilet & nothing came out. I was pushing & pushing for at least an hour. But still there was nothing. I got really scared, so I called my mom. She told me to get to the Hospital as quickly as possible. So I woke up Nani, almost in a panic. It was 3 in the morning & I couldn't even believe this was happening right now. Nani instantly got up & rushed me to the nearest hospital. I wasn't really afraid of labor, until right this second.
It wasn't until about 2 or so hours after I got to the hospital that I began to experience pain. When I got there, they measured me & found out I was already 5 cm dilated. I figured since I was now in pain that I must've dilated the rest of the way. Nani was by my side the whole time. She didn't even get up to eat or go to the bathroom. She sat next to me, holding my hand for hours.

"Are you okay?" She asks.
"It hurts, I need something!" I groan.
"I know babygirl. I called the nurse,"
"I feel like I'm dying,"
"Don't think like that, you're fine."

I couldn't look away from her. Staring in her eyes strangely made me more comfortable. Nani was making this whole thing way less scary. This moment was reminding me why I loved her so much.
The nurse finally got to my room. She checked my cervix again, which I was nervous about. After she was done, she confirmed my fears. It was about time for me to start pushing. She went to retrieve the doctor & I gripped Nani's hand tighter than I had all day. I was scared shitless, I wasn't ready for this like I thought. But I had no choice but to go through with it now.
The doctor didn't hesitate to prop my legs up in the stirrups & start feeling on me. He also confirmed what I was afraid of. Once I started pushing, everything after that was really blurry. All I remembered was pain & not being able to catch my breath at times. I was trying so hard to get this baby girl out of me. I felt like I had been trying to pass a bowel for a day & a half. My back started to hurt & I was exhausted from the amount of effort I was putting in. But of course I didn't give up, I wanted to meet my daughter. I had gone too far to give up.

30 minutes of pushing. I was beyond tired, I could barely keep my eyes open. My hearing faded in & out. But as soon as they placed my child in my arms, I began to cry.
Camille Xabrina Evans. She was white as hell & barely looked like me but she was mine. Carrying her for the past 9 & a half months was the most amazing feeling I ever felt. That was until the doctors put her in my arms & I got to see her face. Falling in love was an understatement. I was completely enchanted by my baby. So much so that I couldn't take my eyes off her. Yeah, I was tired as fuck & kinda sore but none of that made me want to sleep & miss the opportunity to stare at my princess some more.

Eventually though, after like 4 hours, they took her from me. I understood why of course but I was just so attached so quickly. But good for me, I finally got some new pain medication put in my IV & I went straight to sleep.

Sleeping for what felt like days, was amazing. I didn't even feel any pain when I woke up. Nani was knocked out in a chair next to me. I knew she had to be tired so I didn't bother her.
Camille must've still been in the nursery or something. I pressed the call button beside my bed. A brunette woman in navy blue scrubs entered the room & came to the side of me. She was quick & attentive which I appreciated.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm just tired. Where's my daughter? I wanna see her," I remarked.
"In about an hour I'll bring her back in here. We can't take her out of the nursery just let."
"Well can I have breakfast?"

I had noticed that it was like 6:45 in the morning. This was the earliest I had been up in a while. Last I remember being up at 6:45AM, I was working at Tiffany's.
"I'll be back in 30 seconds! Let me get you a menu." The nurse stated.

With my nod of approval, she left the room. I looked over at Nani & put my hand on her shoulder. Luckily I didn't wake her up which was good. All I wanted to do was stroke her skin.
I could hear a phone vibrating in Nani's bag. Carefully, I slid the bag off of her lap & onto mine, then began rummaging for the phone. It was mine, I was surprised she actually remembered to bring it. My mom was calling me, I never even texted her after we left for the hospital. She was probably so worried about me. Never did I even fill her in about my progress.

"Hello?" I whisper.
"What happened to you? Why are you whispering?" Mama replied.
"Nani is asleep next to me. I'm in the hospital, I had the baby."
"Are you serious? I'm a grammy?"
"Oh my God, ew Mama. I told you that babygirl is gonna call you Nana."
"It makes me sound like an old white woman."
"It does not, you're being silly."
"What did you name the baby? You never told me what names you were thinking about,"
"Camille Xabrina," I remarked.
"Thats so pretty. I'm really happy for you, baby." Mama explained.
"Thanks Mama, I'm happy too. I'm finally happy."
"Well I'm gonna let you go. Send me pictures!"
"I got you, no worries."

My nurse brings back the menu as I'm hanging up with my mother. I chose a bacon & sausage platter with strong coffee. I was so happy I could drink black coffee again. My whole pregnancy, I really tried to avoid coffee all together. I had weak moments, I had maybe 2 whole caramel lattes since I found out I was expecting. But those things are mostly sugar & milk anyway.

Babymama. (Lesbian Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt