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My phone was buzzing repeatedly. Nani texted me 7 times & called twice. I had water rolling down my back & the cold air hitting me. I was shivering my ass off but all the ruckus was worrying me. I thought maybe something might be wrong with her at the hospital. Turns out she was just bored. One of the nurses pissed her off & she wanted to complain to somebody. I rolled my eyes at my phone, throwing it to the side.
Helena turned off the shower & walked up behind me, tapping me on the butt.
"Hey, what happened?" She asked.
"Nothing, I just had to put my phone on silent." I responded.

Helena smiled, grabbing a towel off the rack beside us. I followed suit & began drying myself off.

Girl, let me tell you about Helena! She was way better than I expected, let me say that first. She sent chills up my spine & she made me feel like my soul was coming out of my body. I hadn't had sex so exciting or so exploratory in a long time. I felt guilty but I felt so good at the same time. I had no clue what the fuck was going on with me anymore.

After getting dressed & putting my hair up into a ponytail I grabbed a cigarette from the box in my purse. I went out by the pool to light up & found Helena already out there. She was sitting in one of the lawn chairs, with a bottle of my baby oil on her hands. She was lathering her gorgeous skin with the oil & I watched from afar, taking pulls from my cigarette. She looked back at me, I guess she could feel my presence.
"Why you all the way over there?" She asks.
"I don't know," I answer shyly.
"Come here,"

So I listened, I crept my way over to her. I had goosebumps & butterflies filling up my stomach. I felt so nervous, I felt unsure of myself but for some reason I couldn't stop. I usually have pretty good self control, but I don't know what it was with Helena. Maybe because it was so sudden, maybe it was her body & the fact that I wanted to try new things. I had no clue why I was doing this. In the back of my mind, all I wad seeing was Nani laying in that hospital bed, weak & in pain. She'd be so mad & so hurt if she ever knew about this. I can only imagine how infuriated she'd be with me right now & how broken her heart would be.
But shit man, you know how hurt I was when she was in relationships with other bitches? She told all these hoes my business, made them feel comfortable & all that. Nani even had the nerve to bring me to where one of her girls worked. Can you imagine how pissed off I was? I was more than pissed, I was furious, hurt & heartbroken. Then she wants to turn around, get hooked on all types of drugs.
Being pregnant & having a drug addict for a girlfriend, I was basically on my own. Nani's mind was always somewhere else & I was never in it.
I'm not saying what I'm doing is right. Nothing makes this right but everyone makes mistakes, no? After all I been through, somebody should cut me some slack. I should've been on a murdering spree by now. I'm damn sure on the verge of flipping my shit.


It was times like this where I wish I could talk to Gia. Ever since Helena went home yesterday, my mind had been racing. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Now, I don't know if it was in a good way or a bad way. My anxiety was through the roof & all I could do was pray. I asked Gia to help me like she used to back in the day. She always knew what to do & what to say.
It didn't help much that Nani got discharged from the hospital a couple of hours ago & I had to go pick her up. She'd probably smell Helena's scent on me no matter how much perfume I used or how many showers I took. Nani knew when something was wrong.

Thank God that Camille was asleep in the back because I had this bad feeling that some bullshit was going to erupt once Nani got in the car. I was shaking, I was so nervous I didn't know what to do. But I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pulled up to the front of the hospital. Nani was already waiting outside for me. A banfage was wrapped around her head & her arm was in a sling. She was so pale. Usually she was a really rich, dark brown color. Her skin went kind of greyish & her eyes were almost dead looking. She still felt bad & I could tell.
I got out & held the car door open for her. Nani greeted me with a kiss & I held her there for a minute. I invaded the back of her throat with my tongue & rubbed her ass in small circles. With her one good hand she grabbed my chin & slowly pulled away from me.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"What you mean?" I questioned.
"Why you all up on me?"
"Cause I miss you, I'm happy you're coming home."

Nani rolled her eyes at me & got in the car. Damn it, I told you she could smell it on me. Nani knew when bullshit was boiling. But I didn't want her to know I was nervous, I just wanted her to come home without any problems.
"How you feeling?" I asked.
"I'll be fine," Nani replied.
"You don't sound fine, whats on your mind?"
"What the fuck do you think?"

There was that lump again. I hope she wasn't onto me, but she already seemed so mad.
"Well I don't know if you don't tell me," I explain.
"I been thinking the whole two days I've been in there but I can't think of one person who would wanna kill me." Nani responded without even looking at me.
"Oh -- Well, why you thinking about negative things like that? You're alive, you're well & you're going home. We'll think about all that later,"

Her loud protest shocked me. I was taken aback for a moment, it seemed like she was really upset about this. Which of course I understood, but I just didn't want her to be stressing.
"I'm not gonna sit around acting like shit is okay when it's not! I'm not gonna pretend like someone didn't deliberately try to kill me & my family two days ago. I need to find out who did this," Nani exclaimed.
"Well what are you gonna do?" I questioned.
"I'm gonna kill those niggas, what you think?"

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