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"Are you out of your rabbit ass mind?!" I hollered.

I was absolutely fuming. Mac had the nerve to ask me if she could be a stripper. Is she crazy or is she high? We already weren't on good terms to begin with, now she hitting me with this? Hah, now shes really not getting any pussy tonight.
"I just think it would be something good for me to do. I never leave the house, I'm going crazy in here." Mac pleaded.
"So because you're a little stir crazy you wanna go shake ya ass at a nightclub for every dickhead in Miami?" I asked.
"I need a job! I don't have anything else I can do. I didn't go to college or anything,"
"Why do you need a job? You're my wife, anything financial I'ma take care of it."
"Thats exactly my point. I can't depend on you, I can't be going to you every time I need money."
"You know how crazy you sound? Other bitches would kill for your life," I complained.
"Then go get another bitch! I don't wanna live my life depending on you," Mac hollered, storming up the stairs.
I rolled my eyes & gave up. Mac was grown, she can do whatever she wants. But if she expects me to be happy about it, she's going to be very disappointed.

Honestly, I had more important things to worry about. Camille was turning 1 in a couple of weeks & I needed to plan her party. Mac had input on a few things, like the theme & dessert choices but I was the one with all the connections, & I had 3 assistants to run around doing the dirty work. Mac wanted to do a princess theme with dress up included. A lot of my coworkers had children from Camille's age up to about 6 years old. I was going to buy a bunch of prince & princess costumes for the babies to wear throughout the party, it was going to be absolutely adorable. I loved being a mother; although I didn't give birth to Cami, I felt as though I had. She was the light of my life, I loved her more than anything. I truly think thats why I'm really trying to work things out with Mac instead of just giving up. Don't get me wrong, I love Mac to death but shit has been real difficult lately. We only recently started having sex again, buy its not frequent. We've maybe slept together 3 or 4 times in the past 2 months. Thats drastic for us because we usually had sex at least 5 times a week. Sometimes more if we fucked multiple times a day.
It really makes me sad that Mac & I are in this weird place. I'm being truthful when I say I love her, I never want to lose her. I never want to lose my daughter either. I was thinking about going to counseling or something with her, but Mac was hood & I already know she wouldn't go for that shit. But therapy is probably what we needed.
But lets not talk about how depressing my life is right now, lets discuss something more light hearted. Like the fact that my girl Brandi was getting married! She told me about a week or 2 ago. I was so happy for her already just hearing the news but I was even more elated when she asked me to be her Matron of Honor.
Today I paid her a much needed visit, she hasn't really seen me since I broke out of rehab. We maybe hung out twice. I know, I'm a shitty best friend but I clearly had a lot going on.

Brandi lived in Fort Lauderdale, in a little section called Sunrise. She had a quaint little 3 bedroom house with her now fiancé Darren. I never would've thought Brandi would be settling down at the tender age of 23, but I was proud of her. She had been with Darren so long & they made each other happy. They both really deserved this happiness & this life together.

"It's about time you came to see me, bitch." Brandi teased.
"Girl, I know I'm horrible. But you wouldn't believe the drama I'm going through right now. Although you probably read about it in a blog or something." I explained.
"No I haven't seen nothing about you in a blog since paparazzi caught that picture of you & Mac kissing in Publix."
"Oh God, don't remind me. I'm not even popping like that, but somehow my business always getting leaked."
"Well you must be popping like that, no?"

I laughed. Brandi always knew how to make light of a bad situation.
"Plus its not like you were in the closet or anything, niggas knew you were gay." Brandi added.
"Yeah but I wasn't public with my personal life. I didn't even want people knowing what Max looked like, you know? I don't want her being hounded cause she's my shorty." I remarked.
"I understand completely, -- But tell me what drama are you in now?"
"My crazy ass uncles, girl."
Brandi gasped.
"The pedophiles?"
"Yes, they broke in my house in the middle of the night a few months ago. They tried to kill me & Max,"
"You're lying!"
"I swear to God. They even sent in an informant to spy on us & get the passcode to my gate. This dumbass bitch pretended to be Max's friend just to get information."
"This is some soap opera shit," Brandi expressed.
"Who you telling? I had to go on trial & all that," I replied.
"Cause I killed their bitch asses, thats why."
"Oh shit, you a gangsta now?"
"I'm just tryna be like you,"

Brandi shook her head at me but couldn't help her smile.
"Damn ma, I'm sorry you going through it." Brandi apologized.
"Its nothing that I'm not used to. Theres always some drama in my life," I explained.
"Well I been meaning to have a talk with you since you came home."

Brandi's change of tone was scaring me. She looked kind of sad too, which I never really saw from her.
"Whats the matter?" I question.
"I really wanted to apologize to you. I ruined your life & sent you to rehab with my shenanigans. Its one thing for me to be doing drugs but your job & your life is too important." Brandi explained.
"Brandi, your life is important too."
"Not as important as yours. You have a baby, you run a huge company & if you died there would be chaos. I put you in a fucked up place. I shouldn't have let you take anything,"
"Brandi I'm grown, I did it because I wanted to. You don't have to feel bad about what I went through,"
"I'm still sorry. I hated seeing you so miserable & dependent on the drugs."
"I was having a lot of personal issues, ma. It wasn't you,"

I appreciated her kind gesture. I didn't expect an apology, nor did I want one. I didn't blame Brandi for anything that happened. But I was happy she felt for me during my struggle.

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