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My mom called me last Wednesday. She was hysterically crying & couldn't really articulate her feelings. She was scaring me with how hard she was crying, I thought somebody died. After about 20 minutes of consoling her & calming her down, she finally starts to tell me whats going on. Masaccio had gotten herself into quite the predicament & my mom wanted me and Nani to take her in. She somehow managed to get pregnant by her boyfriend, who subsequently left her when she told him she was keeping it. My heart sunk into my stomach. Not because my 16 year old sister was pregnant, but because she was betrayed by someone she cared about. It fucked with me that she would have to be a single parent. My baby sister deserved more than that.
Tonight she was getting picked up by one of the assistants & brought back to the house. I had to go to work, so I wouldn't see her until I got home later. I went on first tonight, so I walked around the VIP section, mingling with different folk & taking shots. After Paloma performed, she met me in VIP and she had some bud rolled up for us. We took refuge on one of the leather sofas & lit the blunt. So many people smoked weed in Miami. This was such a turn up town & I loved it. Over the last few weeks of me working at E11even, Paloma & I got surprisingly close. I really enjoyed hanging out with her, she was dope as fuck. Not to mention she was beautiful. She reminded me of my angel watching over me, Gia. Everything that Paloma & I did together or joked about is something that I pictured Gia and I doing.
Around 3AM, I took Paloma back to the house with me. She was really drunk & I didn't want her alone tonight. Better yet, I didn't want her alone with her scumbag boyfriend tonight. He hates when she gets super wasted, he would kick her teeth in if she came through the door the way she was. So whether she wanted to or not, she was sleeping here with me.
Coming in the door with a drunk girl on my arm didn't go as smooth as I wanted it to. But I tried my best to ignore Nani's fussing while I put Paloma to sleep on our couch.
"I don't even know this girl. You just gon' bring her up in my house?" Nani complained.
"Nala, can you quit bitching? I had no other choice," I explained.
"What, she don't got no home?"
"She can't go home drunk like this. Her man will murder her,"

Nani sucked her teeth and stormed off into the kitchen. She grabbed one of my beers out of the fridge which of course sent me flying across the room to intercept.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I whispered, snatching the Corona from her.
"What? I can't have a beer?" She replied.
"No! You've already had too much alcohol in the past week. You've drank almost every day."
"I had no more than 2 drinks each day,"
"I don't care. I'm not letting you get back into the habit,"
"You act like if I have a beer or two that I'm gonna start shooting up next week."
"I'm trying to avoid that!"
"Stop treating me like a child, Max! I'm not your kid, I'm not Camille!"

I pause. I know I shouldn't be hurt by anything she said but her tone is what bothered me. She was just being so nasty with me.
"I'm just concerned for you, I can't loose you again." I remarked, placing the Corona down on the counter.

Nani grabbed the beer, opening it and handing it to me. I refused it, I could barely see as it is. I didn't need to black out, as drunk as I was. Nani took two gulps of it & placed it back down. She came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.
"Thank you, but you gotta let me live boo." Nani says, placing kisses on my neck.
"Well you gotta do the same thing. You can't get mad every single time I make a friend." I responded.
"Shit, I know. I can't lie, I get jealous & paranoid. I always think someone is gonna take you away."
"You don't have anything to worry about. I never wanna be down with anyone else,"
"I feel the same baby girl. I know it never seems that way cause of how stupid I act. But I love you," Nani remarked.

I tried so hard not to smile but I couldn't fight it. Any word she's ever said to me has sent chills up my spine. I don't know what it is about this twat, but she makes me feel things I never knew I could feel. My heart would beat so fast it would hum. She gave me goosebumps every time she walked in the room. The way she walks, the way her hair bounces off of her dark chocolate skin, & every little quirk she has makes me swoon. I've never felt so loved, or safe.
"All your bullshit almost made me forget. Where's my sister at?" I questioned.
"As soon as she got here she knocked out in her room." Nani replied.
I hurried up the steps, checking each of the guest rooms until I found Masa. She was knocked all the way out. I didn't want to wake her so I slowly shut the door as I crept out of the room. My baby sister was going to be somebody's mother, that fucked with my head. Processing all this bullshit was damn near impossible for me.
Nani had my back though, she talked me through every obstacle I encountered. She always kept a leveled head somehow, even in a situation like this. Personally, I felt bad for always bringing some drama on her. First I had a baby within a year of us being together, now I'm bringing my baby sister up in here! On top of that my sister is having a baby of her own. I don't know too many other women who would be so gracious as to let all this shit go down on their watch. But of course I had the best, most understanding wife that anyone could ask for. I didn't have to worry about her getting mad at me & cutting me off because of my problems or even my family's problems. Could Nani get anymore amazing?


She ate me from the back while I gripped the bedsheets for leverage. I've said it once & I'll say it again, this girl had major talent. Her tongue should be sold at sex shops, shes that good. Not to toot my own horn or anything but Max was far from quiet whenever I went downtown. I could bury my face inside of her for hours. Fuck my breathing, I didn't want to breathe in anything else but her aromas. I flooded my basement at the sight of her beautiful body.

Camille started crying, interrupting my fun time with Max. Not to mention, shorty just got home from work & on top of that I knocked her boots from here to Brazil. I wasn't about to let her get up, so I took a look in on the baby. Camille was waking up every 2 hours. She was so sick & uncomfortable that she couldn't seem to get any rest. We had already been to the doctor but I really wanted a second opinion. I had never seen a baby be sick for this long, or anyone for that matter.
Attempting to comfort her, I cradled her chubby body in my arms and rocked her back & forth. I just wanted the tears to stop. The sound of her crying gave me anxiety that you wouldn't believe.
"C'mon Mama, just relax." I cooed to her.
"She okay?" Max made me jump, the way she snuck into the room behind me.
"Um, I don't think so. She won't sleep or stop crying."
"Ugh, my poor baby. We should take her to the doctor in the morning."
"I'll do it, you need to rest."
"Nani I'm fine, I should be with the baby." Max insisted.
"I don't care, you're staying home." I remarked.

She rolled her eyes at me. Max hated when I told her what to do. But regardless she was going to stay her tired ass home.
I caressed the baby until she got comfortable enough to sleep again. Vick's on her chest & some light music should keep her comfortable for the night. Although she was asleep, I stayed with her for a bit longer.

If you told me 3 years ago that today I'd be sitting with my sick child trying to nurse her back to health, I would've slapped the shit out of you. Of course I've always wanted a family but I never thought I would settle down so soon. Its really crazy how being in love can change the way you act & how you view things.

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