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I felt like I was having a nightmare when the house phone started going crazy at 2 in the morning. I slugged down the steps & into the living room to answer the phone. What the fuck was wrong with people? 2AM is not the time to bother someone at their home.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Baby!" I hear Nani's voice ring through the phone.

The connection was really bad & she sounded like she was outside.

"Nani, why are you calling at 2AM?" I asked.
"Baby, I wanna come home! Can you come get me?" Nani questioned.
"Mama, they not gon let me take you off the property."
"I'm not at the rehab! I ran off. But my cell is dead thats why I called the house phone. It was the only number I could remember for the pay phone."
"What? Nani!"
"Baby I had to! I miss you, I can't be without you anymore!"
"I miss you too Nani. But this treatment is good for you, you need to stick it out!"
"Mac, please?" Nani begged, whining like a baby.
"Ugh well Mama. I can't come get you. Tell me where you are & I'll call your mom." I caved.

Lea was a nervous wreck once I told her what Nani had done. She agreed to go fetch Nani & bring her home to me in the morning. After that phone call, I could barely sleep. All I could think about was seeing Nani's face. I just wanted to hold her & kiss her. I couldn't wait.

I stayed up until about 5AM. Only got 2 hours of sleep. I got right back up when Nani called me to let me know she was on her way home. I started cleaning the house & doing shit I didn't really need to do. I was so nervous & I knew it had to do with what happened between Cortez & I.
Should I tell Nani? Should I just keep this to myself? I respected Cortez, he was a good person. I didn't want to cost him his job because he made a mistake. But I also didn't want to hide anything from my boo.

As I was fluffing the pillows on the living room couch, I heard the doorknob shake. My heart jumped as I scurried over to the foyer. I wanted to be the first thing Nani saw when she walked in. And I think I achieved that goal. Her eyes landed right on me as soon as the door swung open.
"Baby!" She exclaimed.

Nani was a lot skinnier, at least in my eyes. I guess the detoxing affected her metabolism. She ran & hugged me. I instantly burst into tears. Nani follows suit & we just sob in each other's arms.
Damn. Why was I being so emotional?
"Oh my God, I missed that beautiful face." I cry, staring into her eyes.
"I missed you more, Mama." Nani replied.

She kissed me, & my whole body went numb. It felt so good to have her here. I wasn't even used to her anymore. The butterflies I had were unbelievable. Nani looked me up & down, smiling and rubbing my belly.
"Damn girl you got fat!" Nani teased me.
"Shut up! I know, I look like a whale." I replied.
"No you don't, you're so cute. I love it,"
"I don't. I can't wait to work my ass off again."
"You don't need to. Once you have my baby everything will settle."

I couldn't help but blush, hearing Nani take ownership of my little peanut.
"I don't want it to settle, I want it to go away." I complained.
"Oh hush, thats enough whining." Lea interjected. "My baby is home, we need to celebrate."

I nodded my head in agreement. I haven't seen Nani in the longest time & her return needed to be celebrated. Lea decided to treat us both to dinner but we had to shower first. Especially Nani, smelling like a nursing home.
We went to this Korean BBQ spot that apparently was Nani's favorite. I never really had Korean food before, let alone Korean BBQ. Nani ordered beef tongue which completely grossed me put but she insisted that it was delicious. She even talked me into trying it.
I had to be chewing that cow tongue for at least 10 minutes. It was so weird, how do rich people eat this shit? I'll stick with my hot pockets & ramen noodles. No matter what anyone says, those are amazing to me!
There was a tap on my shoulder as I finally swallowed. I whipped around to see Helena. What the hell was she doing here? She seemed to be following me a little bit! Haha. But regardless I was happy to see her.
I jumped up from my seat to hug her. She was dressed like a hoochie, I could tell somebody took her here on a date or something.
"Hey girl! Whats up with you?" I exclaimed.
"Lashawn wanted to go out to eat, whats up with you?" Helena questions, peering at my table.

I turn around, introducing her to Nani & Lea. Lea was very open & friendly towards Helena. She greeted my new friend with open arms & a smile. But Nani however was far more reserved. Nani was hesitant to even speak to Helena. When she did, she didn't even shake her hand or anything. She grunted & cut her eyes at Helena as if she did something. I rolled my eyes. Like damn, already with this attitude?
"This is my lovely girlfriend that I told you about," I remarked.
"Oh hi, I'm Helena." Helena says, waving at Nani.

Nani continues to be rude, rolling her eyes. I escort Helena into a separate corner of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry about her, shes clearly on her period." I explained.
"Its okay, I understand." Helena replied.
"She'll warm up to you, give her a chance."
"What are you doing this Saturday?"
"Oh nothing, why?"
"Its my birthday, I'm having a party at the house."
"Girl you didn't tell me when your birthday was! I would've bought you something."
"Well you still can,"

We laughed in unison. Only causing Nani to glare at us even harder than she already was.
"What time is the party? I'll bring sourpuss over there." I said.
"Starts at 8, but you know black & Spanish people don't show up on time." Helena answered.
"You right! We'll be there at 8:30, no worries, ma."

Returning to the table, I could feel Nani's eyes burning holes in my skin. I don't know what her problem was but she needed to settle down with her attitude.

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