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"Hi, my name is Amy. I'll be your server today. Can I start you ladies off with something to drink?" Our server greeted us.
"Yes I'll have a Vodka & Cranberry and a water." Evelyn requested.
"I'll have a ginger ale, please." I remarked.
Our waitress nodded & assures us that our drinks would be out quickly. Evelyn grabbed hold of both my hands, intertwining her fingers with mine. I quickly but cautiously pulled away, I didn't want to offend her or hurt her feelings.
"Whats been going on with you lately, Nani? You've been giving me the cold shoulder since I got here." Evelyn questioned.
"Theres a lot going on right now, Eve." I replied.
"Like what? You got a girl?"
I let out a hard sigh. To be real about it, I didn't know what to tell her; I didn't know what I wanted to tell her.
"Thats really complicated. I'm in a really fucked up situation," I explained.
"Then why'd you sit on the couch with me for hours yesterday? Why you let me take you out today?" Evelyn whined.
"Well I haven't seen you in almost 5 years Evelyn. Besides being my girlfriend, we were pretty damn close. Is it wrong that I missed you? Am I fucked up for wanting to spend some time with you?"
"No but are you telling me that you have no motives?"
"I don't know, I wasn't really thinking about it. -- Were you?"
"Why you think I came to see you? I wanted to take you out, see how you were doing; I wanted to get with you."
"Are you serious?"
Evelyn nodded, grabbing my hands again. This time I didn't pull away, I just looked in her eyes as she looked into mine. I only broke contact when the waitress came back with our drinks. At this point she asked if we were ready to order our food so we did. The awkward look on her face said it all. She knew she came at an awkward time & was probably embarrassed; but not as much as us. We bursted into laughter once she left & I made sure to keep my hands in my lap. Yes, I appreciated the gesture but I wasn't going for it. Evelyn was being very sweet & all but I wasn't thinking about her. All I could think about was my daughter in the hospital. I'd be there with her right now if Max hadn't told security to keep me out. I tried to go back so many times but to no avail. Camille had been in the hospital for about a month now, her cancer came back & spread to her lymph nodes. She was in the ICU, hooked up to all kinds of machines, had all kinds of tubes sticking out of her & was even being fed through one because she couldn't eat by herself. Well at least, thats what I could gather from the few seconds I could get with her after I would sneak in. She didn't look like herself, she was pale & skinny. I prayed everyday for a miracle, I prayed for her health & for her return home. No child should be spending a month in a hospital bed; my baby needs to be at home with her Mama.

Our food came & Evelyn continued to make passes at me. Shawty had game, I couldn't lie. She definitely got me to blush more than a few times, thats why I dated her for so long. I was pretty neutral the entire dinner. When we got up to leave, I felt Eve put her hand on my ass. Turning to face her, I raised my eyebrow at her.
"What?" She cooed.
Rolling my eyes I turn away & continue to walk to my car. Even though I'm the one that drove & it was my car, some how Eve ended up making all the decisions about where we went. Quite frankly I wanted to go home. I had been working a lot lately, spending late nights at the office in Miami, & taking long ass drives home late at night. I was tired as hell but Evelyn could've cared less. She wanted to go to the Carnival over in Pembroke Pines. There was always a Carnival around the beginning of November & I'd always go for my birthday. This year I honestly didn't feel like going. Going to work and sleeping was pretty much all I did anymore. I'm surprised Evelyn got me out of the house today. Usually I'd be on my couch binge watching some bullshit on Hulu.

The fair was beautiful this year; all the lights and decorations. This year they had been open a little bit before Halloween so that theme kind of echoed throughout the whole Fair. It was super nice outside too, it wasn't blazing hot like it usually was. It was a cool 65 degrees & it was breezy out. Just coming here & seeing this sight put me in a better mood. I was thankful for Evelyn, she always pushed me out of my comfort zone for a reason. I needed to start trusting her more because she was right. I didn't need to be at home sulking and wallowing in self pity. Being at the Carnival enjoying myself is what I needed to be doing, I never went out & had fun anymore.

"Isn't this better than what you had planned for tonight?" Evelyn inquired as we walked off of the Ferris Wheel.
"Yeah of course it is, I've just been in a funk lately." I explained.
"Is it because of that girl?"
"Eh -- Kind of,"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Its a lot to explain to you, and I don't wanna focus on it right now. Lets just have fun, okay?"

Evelyn smiled, kissing me on the cheek just before she grabbed my hand leading me through the crowd of people waiting to get on the ride. We had so much fun that night. We played balloon darts for like a half an hour & Eve won me this huge stuffed Gorilla. After that we ate funnel cake until our stomachs turned & finally we got on the same roller coaster 5 times and threw everything up. Yeah, I know thats gross but I'm telling the story how it happened, okay? Luckily I'm not a nasty bitch, I always carry mouth wash and breath strips in my bag. The feeling of vomit residue in my mouth was gross, I don't know how people could throw up & not want to gargle with bleach afterwards.
Driving Eve back to her rental home was bittersweet because I was tired as hell, I couldn't wait to hit them sheets. But I had a fucking blast tonight, I didn't want it all to end. I had a sense of euphoria that I hadn't felt since high school. Back when I was actually with her. Damn, I missed this feeling. I felt so alive & young, not to mention stress free. At this moment everything was perfect, my night went great. Thats why I was so bummed to see Eve go. She was leaving back to NYC in a few days, she wasn't even sure when she'd be back again & that sucked big time.
"Here we are," I remarked, pulling up to the villa.
"Whats wrong? Why do you look so lackluster?" She questioned.
"I'm just kinda sad the night has to end,"
"It doesn't have to,"

Silence. I didn't really know what to say because I didn't really understand what she meant by that & I didn't want to sound like a douchebag. She saw the look of confusion on my face and decided she should clarify. Evelyn leaned into me & pressed her lips against mine. I'll be completely honest, at first I didn't reciprocate at all but after about 10 seconds or so, I got goosebumps in all the right places & I couldn't help but oblige her. Gently, I put my hand around her neck, softly pushing her away. I parked the car in the driveway of the villa & motioned for her to get out. She met me around the car and grabbed me by the hand, leading me into the house with her. My stomach was doing fucking somersaults & my mind was racing, telling me so many things at once.

Don't do this, bitch. You're gonna regret that shit. She been MIA for 5 years & you gon' fuck up your life over some pussy? C'mon, girl!

Oh please! You deserve this shit! Max keeps pushing you away because she clearly doesn't want you around! Why would you be faithful to someone you're not even in a relationship with? She not worried about you!

But think about the baby, think about your family! Thats what matters to you, right? DO NOT SLEEP WITH EVELYN. GO HOME NOW!!!

DO IT, CHILD! You deserve some pussy after 4 & 1/2 months of Sahara Desert dryness.

Before I could even process all of my thoughts, Evelyn was unhooking her bra & throwing it to the floor beside the bed. Somehow we'd both ended up in her bedroom, on her bed with her on top of me. Half of my clothes were already gone & it was the same with Evelyn, more or less. She continued to kiss me passionately while my hands explored her body for the first time in 7 years. I hadn't touched her since I was 18. She felt exactly the same as she used to; well, except for her new titties that she got but thats the only difference. Her skin was buttery smooth & she smelled like Sweet Pea from Bath & Body Works. I don't care how much money I make & how many pairs of Giuseppe's I own; I love a bitch who smells like Sweet Pea, okay? In Evelyn's case, she tasted even better than she smelled.

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