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A week later...

It was Camille's birthday at midnight, I hurried home so I could kiss her & hug her at the stroke of 12. I was so tired that I damn near fell asleep driving. The only thing that kept me from crashing was the fact that my phone was blowing up nonstop. That & the fact that this road was full of little bumps. The city of Boca Raton needed to fix their fucking roads, for real! Approaching the house, everything was quiet but once I pulled in the driveway everything went left. Camille was running around in the front of the house, even though it was 11:30 in the evening. Who was watching her that she was able to get out of bed & nobody saw? I didn't even turn the car off, I just put it in park & jumped out. Scooping up Cami in my arms, I made my way through the front door into the foyer & put her down in front of me. I crouched down to her level to see if she was okay.
"Mama!" Camille hollered once she realized who grabbed her.
"Baby are you okay?" I asked.
She nodded her head, yes.
"What are you doing up? Why are you outside? Its too cold for you to be out here."
"Get away from my daughter," I heard a voice boom above me.
Mac is standing above me with a U-Haul box in her hand, her sister Masaccio is a few feet behind her with two duffle bags in either hand.
"No hello?" I reply, standing back up.
"You really think you should be checking me? You'll get a hello when I get an explanation."
"Why is there a bunch of boxes all over my house?"
"Don't change the subject, Nani! Why couldn't you answer my phone calls? Why couldn't you take 2 seconds out of your day text me about how my daughter was doing?" Mac screamed.
"All this talking you doing & you still have yet to tell me why the fuck theres boxes all over my house? And why does your sister got all your clothes in bags?" I replied.
"I'm leaving, you fucking moron."

Quickly, I backhanded Mac across the face. Before she could protest or hit me back I heard a disembodied voice come from down the hall.
"Yo, don't touch her!" Said a light skinned butch as she came down the way at me.
Looking Max directly in her eyes, I began to laugh & shake my head. She hung her head as if she was ashamed or scared. I'm not going to lie, she should be scared; because of how angry I was, I wasn't sure what I was going to do next. The butch came barreling at me with her fist cocked back ready to hit me but I was too quick for her ass. I dodged her just in time to get a quick hit to her left jaw. She went down immediately, clutching her face & groaning in agony; what a bitch. I glared back at Max & forced her chin upward to look at me.
"You wanna leave me? Cool, but you not just gonna walk out of here. You gotta get through me," I hissed.
"Nani please, just let us go. I'll make sure she talks to you in the morning." Masaccio plead.
"Shut up, Masa!" Max barked.
I punched her this time & I punched her hard. She immediately hit me back though & it stung like hell. Max proceeded to push me up against the foyer wall, knee me in my stomach & bust me in the forehead with her elbow. We continued to fight until Masa & the butch bitch pulled us apart. I don't know what made me more angry, the fact that I couldn't kick Max in the face right now or that this dyke ass ho had the nerve to touch me. She dropped me after I struggled for 30 seconds straight.
"This is your ex isn't it? And this is her house isn't it?" She yelled at Max as she cowered in her sister's arms.
"Devin, I was going to tell you." Max plead to her.
"When!? Cause you should've told me before you got in my bed."
"Before what?! Oh hell no," I screeched.
The butch ho stormed out & good thing she did because I was about to black the fuck out.
"You're such a ho! I'm sorry that I never got back to you or checked on the baby. But my service was fucked up once we hit Taiwan, I could only receive calls & couldn't make any. I would always miss your calls because I was busy with the girls or some other kind of business. My texts didn't work at all, I couldn't send or receive anything. But you didn't ask did you? You didn't wait to see if maybe something went wrong. You just fucked the first thing that walked in your direction, huh?"
"Excuse me?! You had already been gone 2 months. How much longer did you want me to wait?" Max boasted.
"A lot longer than 2 months, shit! What you in a hurry to leave for? You stay in the bitch for free. You wanna pay bills now?"
"Bitch, I been paying bills! 'Fuck you talking about? I'm tired of you acting like you gave birth to me! I was grown before I met you & wiping my own ass! I survived the streets on my own, got my own place to stay & made my own money before I met you. I'm no baller, thats for sure but I held my own before you were even a thought!"
Rolling my eyes I began walking through the house to see what exactly this girl packed up. She didn't pack anything that was mine so I figured why not help her out? I began tossing all of her boxes out of the front door. Never did I stop to give a fuck about what was inside them or if they would get damaged.
"Whats wrong with you, what are you doing?" Mac hollered, finally standing up.
"I told you! You wanna leave? Thats cool, get the fuck out!" I declared.

And so she did.

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