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Camille had a doctor's appointment today. I asked Nani to come with me to the Pediatrician because she'd never been to any of Camille's appointments since she was born. I also had a family day planned for us after Camille's appointment. We were going to the aquarium which was a long ways away but it would be worth it. Nani & I needed to spend some time as with the baby, alone.
I could tell Nani was getting impatient by the way she was pacing around the examination room. The doctor was taking forever to get to us but Nani just seemed so over it. She was so obviously uncomfortable, something weird was going on with her.
"Can you sit down? You're making me nervous," I complained.
"What the fuck is taking these niggas so long?" Nani growled.
"Shut your mouth, before one of them hears you!"
"I don't give a fuck if they hear me. They gonna deny my child care because I'm talking?"
"You just need to relax. Whats wrong witchu?"

She rolls her eyes & sucked her teeth at me. I hated when she acted like that, she so damn stubborn. Nani just loved having am attitude sometimes.
"I'm talking to you, P." I nag her.
"Ew, I hate when you call me that." Nani hissed.
"Answer me!"

We're interrupted when the doctor finally walks in the room. Camille needed some topical ointments for a few breakouts she had been getting. We'd been in here for an hour waiting to get a prescription for it. Nani didn't hesitate to snatch it from the doctor once he filled it out. She was in such a rush to leave this office & I wanted to know why. After strapping Camille in her carseat, Nani sped off & headed toward the highway.
"Where are we going? The house is in the other direction," I questioned.
"I need to do something," Nani replied.
"I'm tired of you treating me like some little kid. Tell me where the fuck we're going."

Nani was quiet. She merged onto the highway before even looking at me again.
"I need you to just relax. I need to think right now."
"Think about what?"

I can hear cars speeding up next to us. A white Escalade pulls up on Nani's side & rolls the window down. My heart dropped into my stomach, my throat closed up & I panicked. I didn't know what to do other than put my hands over Camille in the backseat.
I could hear the bullets flying past my head. All the broken glass fell onto me, cutting & scraping my arms.
Looking up, I can see the Escalade speed away & get off at the next exit. I could tell that something was wrong, our car was veering off the road. Nani was completely unconcious. So I had no choice but to grab the wheel & pull the emergency brake once we were safely off the road.
My daughter was crying & my wife was passed out in the driver's seat. I felt so helpless & confused. Luckily we didn't crash or hit anything, but I didn't k ow if anyone else was coming for us. I immediately called my mother back at out house. I told her to call Mo & for the both of them to drive our remaining cars to the scene of the 'accident'. Then I called 911 because after a while I could tell Nani was shot.

The ambulance came in less than 10 minutes, taking Nani away. A little while after the ambulance left, my mom showed up with Mo as the cops were questioning me. My mom immediately ran to my side, grabbing Camille out of my arms to coddle her. Monet crept up to me from the other side, putting his arm around me while the officers concluded their questioning.
"Are you alright?" Mo inquired.

I nodded, I was physically okay. But my mind was all fucked up.
"What happened?" Mama chimed in.
"I don't know," I responded, sucking back my tears with every ounce of my strength.
"Did you guys crash?"
"Calm down! Tell me what happened, Maxie."
"Somebody shot at us, someone tried to kill us & they shot my wife!"

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I just had to let everything out.
"Nani had beef with somebody?" Monet asked, seeming quite concerned.
"I don't know! I barely been out the house for the past year. I just met some of her friends last week, I have no clue who her enemies are." I explained.
"Well lets just head over to the Hospital while Mama takes the baby home."

Monet pulls me along toward the car. The police had finally left the scene so I hopped in one car & Monet in the other. We both made our way to Memorial Hospital in Miramar.
Nani had been struck 2 times. Once in her arm & another grazed her forehead. Luckily the bullet that hit her arm went straight through so there was minimal damage. Nani had been knocked unconscious by the bullet that grazed her head. She was taken to the hospital & put into the recovery unit after her wounds were stitched up. The doctors told me she'd only need to be in the hospital for a day or two. They just wanted to get her started on pain medication & they wanted to make sure she woke up.
She was still out cold when I finally got in to see her. She had bloody bandages everywhere. I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms & tell her everything was going to be okay. But I knew I couldn't.
Just when it seemed that things were getting better for me, the love of my life gets shot. And I didn't even know why. The night nurses let me sleep over with Nani while Mo took my other car home. I didn't want to leave my baby's side. I didn't feel safe going anywhere, I don't know if whoever shot Nani saw my face. Not like I saw theirs but I still didn't feel comfortable leaving the Hospital.

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