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Amelia stared at Iris, unable to string enough words together to form a sentence.

"Oliver's here." She managed to choke out.

Iris nodded. Amelia didn't know what to do. She couldn't deal with Oliver right now. She was in no mood for arguing or even talking, all she wanted to do was see Barry.

"Does he know about Tommy?" Amelia asked, panic running through her.

Amelia knew that now that Oliver was in central city, there was no way from preventing him finding out that he has a year old son. But Amelia wanted time to gather her thoughts, to piece together what she was actually going to say. She couldn't just shove Tommy in Oliver's arms and say, "Here's your son."

No. That wouldn't work out well for anybody. Especially Tommy. Amelia's biggest fear wasn't what would happen if Oliver found out and decided what would happen if he wanted to be part of Tommy's life. No, her biggest fear was what would happen if he found out and decided that he didn't want to be a part of Tommy's life.

How was Amelia supposed to tell her son that his father knew about him, but just simply didn't care. She couldn't deal with that and she knew that Tommy wouldn't be able to either. It would be a lot easier when Tommy grew up and asked about his father that Amelia could tell him that Oliver didn't know.

Yes, Tommy would be mad at his mother, furious in fact. But a whole lot more pain would be caused if Amelia told him that his father didn't want to get to know him. That he didn't want to spend time with him.

"No." Iris' voice was soft when she spoke. "He doesn't. Tommy was with Eddie when he came to visit me."

Amelia sighed in relief at her friends words. Oliver didn't know, and hopefully he never would. Amelia then realised the situation at hand, and panic sirged through her. Iris must have noticed this for she stepped forward and placed a hand on Amelia's arm.

"You don't want to see him, do you?" She asked, even though she already knee the answer.

"No." Amelia spoke, her voice breaking. "I don't want to see Oliver."

"Ol-i-ver." Tommy giggled, pronouncing each syllable.

Amelia's head snapped towards her son, a shocked expression on her face. "What did you just say?" She gasped.

"Ol-i-ver." He repeated, laughing again.

Amelia turned to Iris, whose expression mirrored hers.

"We've got to get you both out of here now." Iris announced and Amelia nodded in agreement.

"Ol-i-ver." Tommy gurgled, fascinated by the new word.


Iris had somehow miraculously managed to get Amelia and Tommy out of the hospital without running into Oliver. Apparently, she had a friend who had a friend who had a few sets of keys.

Either way they were finally out in the open and heading to Star labs. Personally, Amelia never liked Star labs, and what had happened to Barry and her just added to that. No doubt they weren't helping Barry out of the goodness of their hearts. No, they were probably just fascinated by the fact that Barry had been hit by lightening. In fact they would probably deny that the particle accelerators failure had nothing to do with it, but Amelia knew better.

They now stood at the entrance of Star labs. Iris was confused at how exactly Amelia would get past all the guards, but that would be all too easy for her.

"Mia, do you want me to take Tommy?" Iris asked.

"No." Amelia answered all too quickly. She didn't want to be parted with Tommy. Especially not when Oliver was on the prowl.

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