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Amelia didn't know how long Slade had kept her chained up for. She stopped counting after day fourteen. She was weak and tired and the chains had made her skin bleed and scraped away at her flesh. Slade's men checked on her morning and night, often hitting her when she didn't answer them or do as she was told.

But Amelia felt no pain, which annoyed the men further causing them to hit her harder. By this time, Slade had become lax at making sure Amelia was chained up. Over the weeks she had managed to pull the chains almost completely out of the wall and today was the day when she would make her escape.

"Hello Mia, how are you this fine evening?" Slade asked, entering the room.

Amelia didn't answer him as he walked in front of her. He cupped her cheek and forced her to look up at him.

"It's polite to answer someone when they speak to you." He said calmly.

Amelia spat in his face.

Slade stepped back and used the sleeve of his jacket to wipe away the saliva before turning back to Amelia.

"I thought we'd take a little trip out today. Maybe visit the remaining people from the Queen family." He told her, but Amelia did not react to his words. She wouldn't give him the luxury of seeing her worried or angry.

Deciding it was now or never, Amelia tugged at the chains with all the energy she had and heard a satisfying crunch as they fell from the wall. Shock overcame Slade and he hesitated for a split second, but that was all Amelia needed. Using the chain as a weapon, Amelia whirled it towards Slade and it sliced through the skin on his cheek. She pulled back and fired the chain at him once more, this time hitting the back of his legs.

Finally Slade began to react and as Amelia went to hit him a third time he caught the chain and pulled it off her.

"Now Amelia that wasn't nice." He scolded and launched himself at her.

Amelia ran to the door, pulling at the door handle.

It was locked.

"Dammit." Amelia hissed. She hadn't anticipated the door being locked even though that should've been obvious.

Amelia turned to face Slade, determined not to go down without a fight. Slade laughed at her determination.

"You can't beat me." He laughed.

Amelia didn't speak, she merely threw herself at him and he recoiled, hitting the wall. She punched him in the jaw and dragged her nails along his face, drawing blood. Slade almost seemed bored and he pushed Amelia backwards. With the Mirakuru coursing through his blood, Slade easily overpowered her and Amelia fell to the ground, whacking her head off the cold concrete.

"Let's go pay a family visit." Slade spoke.


Amelia woke to the sound of voices. Familiar voices. Her eyes finally focused and she realised that she was in the arms of someone. She looked up and saw that it was a masked man, and he was neither Slade nor Oliver.

"Who the hell are you?" Amelia demanded.

"Andrew." He answered gruffly.

"Well Andrew please put my down before I kill you." Amelia said sweetly.

Andrew ignored her and continued to walk. Amelia attempted to carry out her threat, only to find that she couldn't move out of his iron grip.

"You're one of Slade's Mirakuru minions." Amelia huffed.

Once again Andrew ignored her. Amelia listened into the nearby voices, that became louder as they got closer.

"Where is she?" A voice demanded.

Runaway | Oliver Queen [2]Where stories live. Discover now