Meeting These Things Called Classes

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Applejack's POV

I looked own on my paper and it says my Period 1 is English. What? English? I already know English. Why do I need to go to English class. I'm speakin' English. Ain't I? Whatever, I want to be a good student, so I best be headin' to class.

I walked down to wear the English class is and walk through the open door.

“Oh hello,” a woman sitting at a desk says. “You must be one of the new students. I'm Ms. Richards.”

“I'm,” I paused to think of a good name, “AJ.”

“Hello, AJ,” the teacher said nicely. “You can take a seat wherever there is room.”

I found a seat next to this colt, or boy, and sat down next to him. He seemed to be starrin' at me. I tried to listen to whatever the heck the teacher later was sayin', somethin' 'bout capitilsenation or whatever, but I was lookin' at this guy out of the corner of my eye. When the bell had rung saying that first period was over, I finally asked him, “Why were you starrin' at me the whole time? Don't pretend like you weren't, I saw you!”

He started laughin', “Well, cowgirl. I thought you were sort of hot in your super tight skinny jeans and boots. You're hat was the main thing that turned me on though.”

“How in the world am I hot? Feel me, I ain't got no fever! How do I turn you on? I barely even touched ya,” I told him. He was speakin' crazier than Granny Smith.

He started laughin' again too. “Hot and a true blonde,” he said touchin' my hair. “You are one attractive girl, AJ.”

Am I blushin'?

Fluttershy's POV

What is Science? I don't get it. It is a weird word. I walked into the Science class and took a seat in the back of the room where no one could see me.

Just then a scary looking lady came in. She had dark black hair and was really tall and skinny to the bone. I thought she was going to come and whack me. “Where is Fleur?” she asked.

I looked at my schedule. I'm Fleur. I raised my hand half way up. “Right here,” I said in a quiet voice.

“Fleur? I heard you are in my 2nd Period class. Where are you?” the scary lady asked.

“Um, right here,” I said again waving my hand.

“Oh! There you are child,” she said coming over to me. “You are new right? So you will need a lab partner. We will need our best Science student for you. Jeremy!” she called out. “By the way, I'm Mrs. Kohls.”

“Yeah?” said a sandy blonde haired boy. His hair covered his eyes, but I could see his bright blue eyes from beneath his hair.

“This is, Fleur,” Mrs. Kohls told him. “You two will be lab partners for the rest of the school year. Alright?”

“Okay,” he said walking towards me. “Hello, I'm Jeremy. Is it Fleur?” he asked. I nodded. “Okay, so today I think we are doing a lab so, that will be fun. What school did you come from before West?”

What am I supposed to say? That I'm from a land called Equestria and that I'm actually a yellow Pegasus, but I'm here because my unicorn friend did a spell? I don't think I should say that. He'll think I'm weird. “I didn't go to a school,” I answered him looking down.

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