Rarity's Disapointment

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Rarity's POV

This is my second day of high school, and it just had to be a Monday. I hate Mondays. I know it's typical, but it's true. I had bought a whole new wardrobe and I'm ready for those popular girls notice me. I've already planned out that we will become best friends and rule the school. It will be fantabulous!

I keep wanting to talk to my friends, but none of them are picking up their phones. The only one who does pick up is Twilight. I'd expect Fluttershy, being so kind, to see that I called and call right back. Strangely, she didn't. Was she okay? Was she feeling alright? I'll talk to her today at school.

I walked up to the school and went in through the giant doors. I went to my first period French class. I walked in all alone and had my class. When that was done I had to go to, shiver, P.E. Before I got in my gross gym clothes, I went to the washroom. I went to the washroom mainly to get out of P.E. I went in through the gray door and went into a stall. I didn't have to go, I just didn't want to go to P.E.

I neatly covered the... seat with paper and sat down. Just then I saw four pairs of high heels walk through the door. One pair was red, one was pink, and the other two were black. I had to see their outfits to see what in the world they would be wearing with their shoes.

“Did you see the new girl's hair today?” I heard one of the girls ask.

“Which new girl?” another girl asked.

“I think her name is Variety,” the first girl answered. “Anyhow her hair is purple. Purple!”

“Oh, I thought you were talking about the lesbian girl, Rainy,” another girl said. “Her hair is rainbow!”

The girls laughed. “Her name is Rarity, not Variety,” another girl told them. I gasped. They were talking about me. My hair isn't that bad. Purple is the color of royalty. They have a point on Rainbow Dash's hair though.

I had to look at these girls so I looked through the door. One of the girls had blonde hair and a black strapless shirt on with a hot pink mini-skirt. Another girl had a white little sleeveless dress on and she had brown hair. The girl next to her had blonde hair but wore a pale yellow tank top with blue skinny jeans. The last girl had a turquoise strapless shirt on with black short-shorts, and she had black hair with light pink streaks.

“Why do they think they're so great?” I accidentally whispered aloud.

The girl with the pink mini-skirt gasped. “Someone's in here.”

She then approached the stall I'm in. She knocked on the door. “Hello? You better open up, we know you're in there.”

I opened the door, slowly. Then all the girls gasped. “It's Purple the Nurple!” the other blonde exclaimed.

“It's Purple Nurple,Crystal,” the girl with brown hair told her.

“Oh!” the blonde, whom I guess was Crystal, said.

“I'm not... whatever you just called me,” I told them standing up for myself. “My name is Rarity.”

“No one cares,” the first blonde said. “No one needs to know your name, unless you're us,” she told me flipping her hair.

“Um... I don't know your names,” I told them.

The first blonde looked at me in disgust. “I'm Brandy! You don't know who I am? I'm Brandy Dawson,” she told me rolling her eyes and turning her back to me.

“You don't know her? You're crazy!” the brown haired girl said. “Anyways, I'm Rochelle Grant,” she said putting her hands on her hips.

“Hi! I'm Crystal,” the other blonde told me putting her hands out for me to shake.

Brandy swatted her hand away before I could shake it. “No, you don't be friendly with this thing,” Brandy told her. Crystal nodded her head slowly and backed away.

The girl with the black hair walked up to me. “I'm Fleur,” she told me crossing her arms.

Fleur? As in... Fluttershy? What happened to her? “Fleur, can I speak to you in private?” I asked wanting to know what is going on.

“Why should I do that?” Fleur asked. “You are part of the outcast group,” she told me. She then bent leaned close to me. “That would be against society.”

I looked at her and my mouth hung open. What happened to the Fluttershy I knew and loved? She turned into a (excuse my French) bitch. Just the other day she was the same girl I always knew. Now she is just mean. Maybe she'll talk to me later though.

“So how about later? I really need to talk to you,” I told her.

“I already told you no,” Fleur told me. “That's my answer and I'm leaving it at that.” She looked at her new friends. “Alright girls, let's go. I think some of her purple hair is rubbing off on me.”

The girls nodded and made mean gestures as they walked out. One of the blondes, Crystal, walked out last and mouthed the words: “I'm sorry.”

I nodded like I was accepting her apology and she left. I sat down on the floor, I didn't care if it was dirty, and cried. This wasn't fair. She was being mean. What has happened?

*I was going to do individual meetings with the new Fluttershy. So here's the first

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