Pinkie Pie's Fleur Meeting

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Pinkie Pie's POV

“People keep talking about a prom,” I told Cosette. We were on our way to third period. “What is a prom?”

Cosette laughed, and I didn't get what it was for. “You seriously don't know what a prom is?” she asked. I shook my head. Cosette sucked in a big breath. “A prom is a dance. At a prom there are people who can sign up to be in the running for Prom King and Prom Queen.” Cosette walked over to a poster. “See. This is Brandy's poster for prom queen.” She walked down the hall lined with posters of people. When we got to the last one she said, “See? It is ridiculous how competitive people can get.”

I nodded in agreement. I heard someone crying. I looked behind Cosette and saw Rarity coming down the hall. “Rarity? Why are you crying?” I asked.

She looked up. There were black smudges all around her eyes. “Have you seen Flutter... I mean Fleur?” she asked wiping tears from her face.

“No,” I answered. “Why? Do you need her?”

Rarity shook her head fast. “No! No! I don't want to see her. See you later, Dianne,” Rarity said quickly. She then turned and left.

“Wait! Rarity! What's wrong?” I called. She didn't turn back around. I then looked at Cosette. “What do you think happened?”

Cosette shrugged. “Break-up? Prom Queen candidate rejection? Maybe even friend troubles?” Cosette suggested.

“Friend troubles? Why would she have friend troubles? We are all so nice to her,” I explained.

“She mentioned Fleur. Didn't she? Maybe Fleur did something to her,” Cosette explained her theory.

“I don't know,” I said.

“Move it pinkie! The food convention is the next town over,” someone said from behind me. I turned and saw a girl with black hair and pink streaks.

“Really? Do they have cupcakes?” I asked getting excited.

“No! There is no food convention,” the girl answered. “If there was, only fat people would go to it.”

I rotated my head to my shoulder. “Do I know you?”

“No, I don't hang out with people... like you,” the girl told me.

“I don't? Then we need to become friends! My name is Dianne Pielinson. What's yours?” I asked.

She looked at me strangely. “Pielinson? Is that even a real last name? Sounds like a mixture of pie and Tomlinson. Fake!” she told me.

“I'm sorry, I never got your name. What is it?” I asked her again.

“I'm Fleur,” she said flipping her hair.

I gasped excitedly. “Fluttershy! I mean... Fleur! You got new hair! You look so pretty now! Not that you weren't already, but you're prettier!” I told her giving her a hug.

She backed away. “Ew! Don't do that ever again. I might just die if you do,” Fluttershy told me. She wasn't Fluttershy anymore, she used to love hugs. Now she's... Fleur. Mean Fleur.

“B-b-but... but,” I tried to say something.

Fleur put her finger to my lips. “Save your buts for later.”

I laughed. “Ha! Ha! You said butt!”

“Ugh, not that type of butt. Ugh, you're so immature,” Fleur told me twirling and walking away. “Don't talk to me ever again.”

“Wow, that was Fleur?” Cosette asked. I nodded tearing up. “She seemed so shy when I met her at your party.”

I nodded again with a tear streaming down my face. I then turned to Cosette and let all my tears go. “What happened to her? We used to be best friends! Now she's evil!”

Cosette hugged me. “It's alright. There has to be a reason for this. People just don't become mean. How long have you known her for?”

I shrugged. “Since I first moved to Ponyville, I guess,” I answered her.

Cosette looked at me weirdly. “Ponyville?” She shook her head. “Never mind that. Has she always been evil?”

I shook my head. “No, she had always been extremely nice and kind,” I told her.

“Then there has to be a reason for her meanness. We should find that out,” Cosette told me. “Meet me after school at Planet Smoothie. Got that? Everyone who has known Fleur for as long as you have needs to come. Okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

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