Twilght's Meeting with "Fleur"

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Twilight Sparkle's POV

I can not wait till this prom! I've signed up for all the committees, and I don't even know what a prom is. I just like to be in charge. I know about most things, Princess Celestia gave me a crystal ball to see how everyone is doing as a human. For some reason whenever I try to see Fluttershy, it never works. This started yesterday when I was bored at home.

I always check the instructions to see if I'm doing anything wrong. It says clearly: The Elements of Harmony's representatives will be shown. You just have to ask. I asked and everything. It doesn't work! What is Fluttershy's third period? I have to find her.

“Taylor? You are, Taylor, right?” someone asked. I turned to see Jeremy. I nodded. “Do you know where Fleur is? She wasn't in first or second period, which I can get from her first experience with Science. But Social Studies? I don't think she would skip Social Studies.

“Move it or lose it loser,” someone said behind us. I looked to see who it was and it was four girls.

“Oh no,” Jeremy sighed.

“What?” I asked.

“It's Brandy and her band of sluts,” Jeremy told me. “It looks like they gained a member. Who is it? I can't tell with her sunglasses on.”

“Which one?” I asked.

“The one with the black hair and pink streaks,” Jeremy answered.

“Just go up and ask,” I told him.

“No, they'll just ignore me,” Jeremy said.

“Then I'll go an do it,” I said to him getting up. I walked over to the girls. “Hi, um, Brandy.”

“Who the heck are you?” the blonde asked, Brandy I guess.

“I'm Taylor Sparnkle and I...”

“Stop right there,” Brandy interrupted me. “Taylor Sparnkle? What type of a name is Sparnkle?” She turned to the girl with black hair. “Do you know? Is it Swedish?”

The girl with black hair shrugged. “It just sounds like a sparkle that has lost it's luster. Just like you sweetie.”

“Who are you?” I asked trying to answer Jeremy's question.

“I'm Fleur Shy,” she told me. “Why do I need to tell you, honey. Everyone already knows my name.”

“Fluttershy?” I asked.

“What did you just call me?” Fleur asked.

“I called you Fluttershy. Because you are Fluttershy,” I told her.

“Fluttershy is the stupidest name I've ever heard. Fleur sounds way more hotter,” one of the blondes said.

“'Way more hotter'? Really? It's way hotter, Crystal,” the brown haired girl said.

“Oh,” the blonde said, Crystal. “What she said.”

I nodded slowly. “See you later, Fleur?”

Fleur gawked. “Bye...?”

I'm calling her Fleur because this is not Fluttershy. Fleur is mean and evil, and Fluttershy is sweet and kind. This is ridiculous! Why would she do this.

I went back to Jeremy. “Who is it?” he asked me. I stayed quiet. “Who is it? Tell me.”

I looked at him. “It's Fleur.”

“Fleur? Why is she hanging out with Brandy, Rochelle, and Crystal?” Jeremy asked.

I shrugged. “Beats me.”

Ugh, Fluttershy and Fleur remind me of Cadence and Chrysalis. Did a changling take over Fluttershy? What love is she feeding off of? Jeremy and Fluttershy? This is crazy. This isn't Fluttershy. I just want to strangle Fleur.

“I'm really sorry, Jeremy,” I told him.

“I don't understand. She seemed so nice on Friday,” Jeremy said looking down. “It is weird to think that she used to be the kindest person ever. We need to talk to her parents.”

I panicked. “Her parents?” I asked.

“Yeah, we need to talk to them. Maybe there are things going on around the house,” Jeremy explained.

“Um...” I panicked again.

“We should really go and talk to them,” Jeremy told me.

“No!” I told him. “Her parents... died. Yeah, they died,” I thought of quickly.

“Oh, that is too bad. Who does she live with then?” he asked.

Great, a lie leads to more lies. “She lives by herself,” I answered quickly.

“Oh, isn't that illegal?” he asked.

“I don't know,” I answered him.

“That's it! She turned into that because she doesn't have any parental guidance. Bingo! That is my argument,” he declared crossing his arms.

I stared at him blankly. “Okay...” is how I answered to his “discovery”.

Ugh, I'm still confused on exactly why Fluttershy changed. It is so strange. I just hope she is better.

*This is cray-cray!

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