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Camerashy22's POV

Hey there! It's me! Just so you know I need suggestions. I'm kind of lost in this story right now. Suggestions are greatly needed. I have certain things I have planned. I have big plans for Jeremy, and I have big plans for Applejack. I don't know about the others though. If you would like to appear in the story as a cameo appearance you can comment below about your characters info. Only people who can not qualify is @braverystlyinson and @lyllihxarri. They already have parts in the story. So comment for a part! Who knows when next part will be posted.

If you love me then you will love my Youtube Channel! Her name is pinkkittykat100 and she does My Little Pony videos. She actually just finished a Les Mareables (Les Mis My Little Pony) series. Watch them please! Some made me cry (I cry easily).

Love all my fans!



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