New Findings

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Fluttershy's POV

I still can't get over what happened last night with all the... blood. I don't really want to talk about that right now though. Right now I'm going to a mall. So I'll just start from where I am. Rarity wanted to try out something called a mall. So being kind, I decided to go with her. Right now we are waking into a boutique called Macy's (Rarity wanted to go in here because she saw a really pretty dress).

Rarity walked up to the cashier lady and I followed. “Excuse me,” Rarity started talking to the cashier lady. The lady looked up from her computer screen. “Do you have that really pretty purple flower dress in the window?”

The cashier lady nodded and motioned for Rarity to follow her. Rarity looked at me and said, “Go on and look around the mall. I'll call you when I'm done.” I nodded and left the store.

I wasn't sure where to go so I walked into the store next to Macy's. I read the sign and in big orangey yellow letters it said, Spencer's. There are a lot of people who own stores.

I was about to walk in when someone said, “Ew! Don't go in there!” I turned around. There was a girl there with yellow, or blonde, hair.

“Why? It looks like colorful in there,” I told her.

She flipped her blonde hair. The girl had two other girls behind her, one with the same color hair she had and one with black hair. “Colorful? Oh heck yeah it's colorful in there! That is where all the sluts and gays go. Except us, we shop at Abercrombie & Fitch,” the girl said walking towards me. “I'm Brandy,” she said offering her hand to shake. “This is Crystal,” she pointed to the other blonde girl, “and Rochelle,” she pointed to the brown haired girl. “What's yours?”

This was all happening too fast. I can barely process it! “Um... I'm Fleur.”

“Fleur, you're new to West High right? I go there and I saw you. I thought you would be the perfect candidate to join our clique,” Brandy told me putting her hand on my shoulder.

Clique? What is a clique? It sounds expensive. “Sure, as long as it doesn't cost too much money.”

Brandy, Crystal, and Rochelle started laughing. “It won't cost you a dime, sweetie. Just follow our lead and you'll fit right in,” Brandy told me. “Follow us.” Then we all started walking down the mall.

Crystal then came up to me and asked, “Are you wearing a bra?”

“A what?” I asked.

“A bra! You know the thing you wear under your shirts and dresses?” Crystal asked. I shook my head.

Crystal then ran up to Brandy and whispered something to her. Brand stopped and whirled around. She walked up to me. “You don't have a bra on? Underwear?”

“Under who?” I asked not understanding what sh just said.

“Girls,” Brandy said looking at Crystal and Rochelle, “this is an emergency.” Brandy then took my hand and we ran into a store that was really pink. “Fleur, this is called Victoria's Secret. It is my go-to store.” Brandy then showed me to these really short pants. She lifted them up, “These are called underwear.” She then handed me a couple pairs. We then went over to these tops. She lifter one up, “This is called a bra.” She handed me a few of those as well.

We then walked right up to the cashier and Brandy gave him green paper. “It'll be on me. You know, since they're your first.” The cashier woman handed me a bag with all the bras and underwear in it.

My Little Human: Friendship is NOT Magic in High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now