Pinkie's (Or Dianne's) Party

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Rarity's POV

Pinkie Pie is hosting a slumber party, and I'm invited. Wouldn't miss it for the world! She didn't tell me what we're doing there, but it's Pinkie Pie. It has to be worth my while.

I walked up to 3287 Conroy Way. It is not as big as my house, but about the size of my Carousel Boutique, which I no longer have. It was, of course, pink with a brown roof. Almost like an upside down cupcake. I knocked on the door, it was about 4:00. Pinkie Pie came to answer it.

“Hello, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie welcomed me. “You're the last one to arrive, so now the party can officially start!”

“I am?” I asked. “Oh I'm so sorry, Dianne. Next time, I'll be first to arrive.”

“No, no,” she told me motioning me to come inside. “It doesn't matter. You're one of my bestesty besty best friends! I wouldn't do anything without you!” she pulled me in for a tight hug. She pulled away and shut her front door.

I looked around her house and saw my friends, and four girls I have never seen before. “Who are they?” I asked a little too rudely.

“We're getting to that!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Everyone! Get in a circle on the floor!” she yelled as we all got in a giant circle. We then sat down, but of course I grabbed a pillow to sit down on. “We are going to play the name game! Ready? We will go around the circle saying our names and our biggest dreams. Ready? I'll start and then it will go Rainy and so on.” Pinkie cleared her throat. “I'm Dianne Pielinson, and my biggest dream is to become the most famous comedian!”

Rainbow Dash looked around the circle. “I'm Rainy Dashly, and my biggest dream is to be apart of the Wonderbolts. For those of you who don't know who they are, they are the coolest most awesomest people ever! They do so may tricks and are really cool! Did I mention they are awesome? Well, they are!” Rainbow Dash told everyone. Dashie then looked at the person beside her, Applejack.

“Well, I'm AJ Applegate, and my biggest dream is for my family to have the most well known apple company. The Apple Family Orchard,” Applejack said dreaming about it.

It was my turn now. “I'm Rarity Gem, and my biggest dream is for my little boutique to be opened in the most glamorous city in the whole world.”

“New York?” one of the random girls asked. She had the ugliest hair with purple tips. Although I love purple, her hair was a no no.

What is New York? Oh well, I'll just go with it. “Yes,” I answered thoroughly.

Siting next to me was Fluttershy. “Hi, I'm Fleur Shy. My biggest dream would have to be making friends with all the animals around the world. I would also be saving them from any harm.” Fluttershy told everyone.

“Hippie,” I heard one of the random girls say. This time it was someone in a fashionable pink blouse. She looked like a snob though.

When Fluttershy was done it was Twilight's turn. “I'm Taylor Sparnkle, and my biggest dream is to work along side the most powerful person I know.”

“Barack Obama?” asked another random girl. She had the strangest looking popcorn on her shirt that I've ever seen.

“Sure,” Twilight answered.

That girl was siting next to Twilight so it was her turn. “Heey! I'm Scarlet Adams, and my biggest dream is to be a big Broadway or movie star.”

Siting next to this Scarlet was the girl who had called Fluttershy a hippie. “Um, yeah. I'm Vivienne Ford. And my biggest dream is to ditch all you people,” she told us with a bratty voice and started to laugh. “Just kidding! I actually want to be a movie star and Vogue,” she told us truthfully doing awkward hand motions around her face.

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