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In the end, Ginger and Emerald started their lives in Ponyville. Ginger became Ponyville's news journalist and photographer, and Emerald became the most talked about singer in all of Equestria. Even though they were now ponies, they never lost their human personalities. That is what they had all learned in the end. People and ponies aren't that different from each other.

Now what did happen to Jeremy? Let's just say that he didn't tie his rope very tight and when he had kicked his stool, he didn't kill himself. All he got was a concussion from hitting his head to the floor really hard. Fluttershy eventually forgot about Jeremy, which was a good thing. She tried to erase all her Fleur memories out.

What about Appledash? That is a story I'm not willing to tell, I don't wish to go any further with that story line.

That is the end of the ponies adventures in high school. Who knows, maybe Princess Celestia will have another task for them to do in the future. *wink

My Little Human: Friendship is NOT Magic in High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now