Chapter Fourteen: Liss

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"So Liss is number ten, she's captain, faster than a cheap hooker dropping her panties." I explain as we sit on the sidelines.

"Is his game rough?" CC wonders, he sits crisscross apple sauce with Andy in his lap.

"Have you ever met Liss?" I wonder and Rikki laughs.

"Nervous or something?" Andy asks Rikki, CC laughs.

"No he's just turned on by his girl being so hot." He explains and Rikki shoves him.

That's about the time Liss walks up with her team. They wear matching burgundy jerseys with white devil on the front. Lissy walks up behind Rikki, bending down to wrap her arms around him, kissing his cheek. She looks over to Andy in CC's lap.

"Dammit I have to get used to seeing that." Liss half mutters and I smile.

The ref blows the whistle and Liss sighs, she tells us she has to go and we wish her good luck.

The game is nearly over. Liss has scored four tries and made all the kicks. She's only nearly gotten into four fights which is a record, it's usually closer to seven or eight. Liss clears another ruck and she get called for enter at the side which is complete bullshit. Liss takes her mouthpiece out.

"Your wife know you're screwing us!" She yells before going back to her team. "Fuck!" Liss mutters as she walks past us.

"Aren't they winning though?" CC wonders and I smile.

"Yes but she loves playing and winning." I explain.

"Play to win." A voice says.

I look back as see six and a half feet of sexy green eyed soul. Like some football god! Carter Swagger stands off to the side. God! I bet he's hung like a horse!! He's completely ripped! I know I could rock his world, I could make him gay. Just one night.

Liss is going to kill! I don't think she's seen him yet so that's good. I elbow Rikki and point at Carter, that football sex God. Rikki's eyes grow as Andy yells.

"Go Lissa!!" Andy screams.

We look back over to as Lissa runs past us like a bat out of hell. We cheer her on as she runs through the goal posts, scoring a perfect try. She kicks the ball between the field goal posts making it perfect. The whistle blows, signalling the game over. Liss' cocky side takes over, she smirks before bowing to the opposition.

"Definitely not humble." Carter mutters and Rikki glares at him.

I look up to see Liss and another girl shoving each other. Jesus Christ Lissy, you're going to get in trouble. Liss shoves her down before yelling:


Liss walks back over to us muttering in that weird German/Italian mix. With her mom being Italian her Nona taught her Italian, living in Germany she picked up that to. Liss goes to her bag and drops her mouthpiece, grabbing water.


I chug water and Rikki wraps his arms around me from behind.

"You kinda turned me on." He says quietly into my neck and I smile. "You kicked ass."

I turn around in his grasp and brush my lips on his. Rikki kisses me back hard and I smile into the kiss. He lifts me off my feet and I giggle.

"How many tries scored?" Luca wonders and I look at him over Rikki's shoulder.

"Five." I smirk.

"That's crazy." CC says.

"If really rough." Andy admits, and she plays football. Rugby is far superior.

I go back to kissing Rikki when someone clears their throat. We both turn around to be faced with my brother. Anger rises to the surface, I hate him. Rikki's grip gets tighter around my waist.

"What do you want, Carter?" I breathe out the words.

"Alyssa," he starts and I cringe. "What the hell's the matter with you?"

"Right about now, you." I snap and he green eyes move to Andy.

"Hi, I'm Carter Swagger. Quarterback for the New York Giants." Carter kisses her knuckles and CC's face goes to stone.

"Okay, okay, that's Andy you met!" CC pushes between my brother and Andy. Carter smiles down at him, nearly being a foot taller than him. Andy wipes her hand on Luca.

"You should've gotten it." She mutters and Luca turns red.

"Well aren't you cute." Carter smirks and I shake Rikki's grip.

I shove him away from my friends. I glare up at him.

"Carter, I'm going to kill you." I hiss. "Go home."

"Maybe you should take your own advise. You know how worried dad is?" Carter snaps.

"Surprised he notices I'm not there. You're all he's talked about for a month!" I snap as I  look back at Rikki. "This is my boyfriend, Rikki, CC, Luca, and Andy. My family. Hurt them and I will kill you with your jock strap."


Carter followed us home, I was okay with it. Other than the fact that you can cut e tension with a knife. Liss has locked herself in the bathroom, showering and trying to calm down. Rikki is sitting on the couch glaring at Carter, drinking. Andy and CC sit at the table making small talk but is actually waiting for Rikki to beat this hottie's ass. Carter sighs.

"Luca, care if I have a brew?" He wonders and my heart flutters.

"Lissa is gonna care." Andy mutters and I laugh.

Carter gets up to get the beer and looks at the pictures on our fridge. Mainly the one of the lot of us partying at the bar a few weeks back. Carter sighs.

"She's not all that bright." He mutters.

I wait for Rikki to level him but Andy gets up first, breaking a beer bottle holding it to his neck.

"Don't you ever talk about her!" Andy snaps and we laugh.

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