Chapter Forty Three: Andy

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My cousins flew back home finally, I stood in the kitchen making something for me and C.C. to eat when he came up behind me "Andy, what if we go upstairs and skip dinner?" He asked, I looked at him and glared "You need to eat" he shook his mop of hair and grinned "Why?"
"Because you need to keep your strength-"
"Me Bret Bobby and your cousins went to a strip club last night" he said really quickly, and as I chopped tomatoes for Tacos, I accidentally sliced my finger "Shit" I said, and he grabbed a napkin wrapping my finger in it, I looked at him "You didn't."
  He looked away "Did you sleep-" he couldn't meet my eyes, my heart fell and I laughed "You slept with a stripper" I said, and he couldn't meet my eyes, I turned around and walked away "Andy!" He yelled, and I was out the door in the front yard I yelled "Don't even! You said you loved me!" I yelled, he frowned "I was doing fucking cocaine!" He yelled, I snorted.
  "Before or after you fucked her?!" I yelled, not giving a damn about the neighbors and went to a bar or more like The Whisky. I went in and ordered a Jack Daniels, it was quiet during the day I sniffed and chugged my drink.
  I shook my head "Four fucking months, sex, thinking I was pregnant. And he cheats on me" I mumbled to myself, and blinked away tears as I finished my drink, the bartender handed me another as Cheap Trick The Flame played. I shook my head "Can you change the song?" I asked, he nodded.
  That had became our song. Our first dance. The night on City Dale Rock. All memories just gone away because of him. My boyfriends all ends up cheating on me, why did I think C.C. would be different?

   I rode the elevator up to Lissa's room, and aaw Rikki asleep in the chair beside her, she looked at me "Andy?" I nodded and sat beside her "Hi. Lissa."
"Whats wrong?" She asked, combing through my hair I shook my head "Nothing. I have just made decisions for my life."
  She looked at me, I sighed "Lissa. Immoving back to Alabama."
  "What!" She asked, I shook my head "Its too much here. I'm scared I'm going to get mugged, shot or raped."
  "Andy, what about Poison? C.C.?" I snorted "Luca? Me?" She grabbed my hand "What about your sister."
  I pulled away and shook my head blinking tears back "Goodbye. Lissa."

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