Chapter Twenty: Liss

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"It's so dead here during the week." Rikki says.

It's Thursday, the bar is nearly empty. Rikki sits at the bar and we're eating fires, we're the only two people in the bar. I face him on a bar stool with his legs on either side of mine.

"I know, it's really boring." I smile and I yawn.

"Tired are we?" Rikki smirks.

"It's not like you let me get a lot of sleep, babe." I smile and he laughs.

"I'm surprised Luca hasn't got pissed at us. We spent what? The last two nights at your place?" He wonders and I nod.

"Luca can sleep through gunfire, I don't think he noticed." I admit.

"I don't understand how, you're fucking loud." Rikki smirks again and I shake my head.

"You're remembering it wrong, you're loud honey." I say and he laughs.

"Thats not how I remember it." He smiles.

"Well it's how it happened." I smirk and he grabs my hand.

"I love you." He kisses me, pulling me to a standing position.

We kiss roughly, he holds me at the hips between his legs as close to him as humanly possible. Rikki's hands tighten around my hips as his tongue enters my mouth. I snake my arms around his neck so I'm as close to him as possible. He moves to kissing my jawline and neck. Rikki bites at my neck, making moan a bit. I hear Rikki's laugh and he goes back to my neck and collar bone and he keeps going lower. His hands slide up my shirt and find my bra. Rikki starts to lift my shirt and I'm slide it back down again.

"I'm at work, remember baby?" I say and he goes back to kissing my lips.

"Behind the bar, kitchen, bathroom? Take your pick, Honey." He says into my mouth.

"I'd get fired." I says and he smirks.

"The you could be my personal maid, we can get you a little costume and---" I decided it's best if I shut him up before he gets me to agree to something else.

I kiss him again softly.

"I love you." I say, Rikki smirks and grabs my ass.

"This is mine." He reaches down the front of my jeans making me gasp, Rikki smirks again. "And this." Then my breasts. "These are definitely mine." Rikki smirks and I kiss his cheek.

"Possessive are we." I smile.

"I don't share." Rikki kisses me again.

That's about the time someone clears their throat.

Aw fuck.

I turn around and there stands CC, blood rises to my face but I force a smile. Rikki sits behind me laughing.

"Hey CC." I say and he nods.

CC looks scared out of his wits. He's shaking and looks like he could piss himself.

"So I wanna ask you something." CC breathes out. "But you scare the hell out of me."

"Am I that scary?" I wonder and both boys laugh.

"I've seen you play rugby and beat Bobby senseless." CC adds. "I want to date Andy."

"You got balls man." I admit and he shrugs. "If you hurt her I'll--"

"Chop my balls off then kill me?" CC takes the words from my mouth.

"Yeah, exactly." I smile. "You've been warned."

"You don't have to worry." CC assures me.

"I'm trusting you, don't make me regret it." I say and he smiles.

"I won't." He says.

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