Chapter 4

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Blake's POV

Fuck fuck fuck. All I had go do was stay out of her way, make sure she didn't know who I am, not draw attention to myself!
But that's exactly what I did. I ran into her.
I have liked Carter for as long as I can remember, I'm a member in her brothers gang, and ever sense I saw her for the first time I went to their house, I knew she was different.
Jesus, I wanted her bad. She was different from my "hookups", she cared about her grades not her looks.
But I couldn't have her. It was policy. None of the gang members could date her, we had to stay away unless told otherwise.
  But I needed her like I need air. And nothing was going to stop me.

Carter's POV

I was driving home after a long day in hell. Don't get me wrong, I love school. I like learning and my teachers, but not the students. They make it worse.
I pulled up to the gate and quickly typed in the password. The black, metal gate opened with a squeak, allowing my car to move forward.
Yes.. We were "rich" but that was irrelevant to me. I rarely saw my parents because they were always gone on business trips. That's mainly why my brother and I are so close, we raised each other. He was all I had. I wanted to see my parents more, but I couldn't. Instead of love they gave us a large house, nice close, anything we asked for.
I pulled off my jacket and set it neatly on a chair. My brother hadn't arrived home yet, he was doing something with his gang.
I didn't know much about the gang. I knew in total, there's 10 of them. All extremely attractive, and at the top of the food chain at my school. While I, on the other hand, was directly at the bottom.
The door opened suddenly, slamming against the wall. I looked up from the tv to see all 10 members of Fire standing in my living room. Watching me be a total nerd. Oh great.
"Hello sis" my brother said. I stood up off the couch and gave him a hug.
"Mom and dad called and said they won't be home for 2 weeks" I whispered in his ear.
He sighed and nodded, letting go of me.
"Sorry for not telling you I was having the gang over" I shrugged in response and sat down to continue watching my show.
"We're heading downstairs, okay?" If he ever had friends over, the basement is where they went.
I turned the tv off, grabbed a snack, and went to my room. My room was my personality put in objects. It was my safe spot. (Picture above)
I was sitting on my bed, finishing my homework when there was a soft knock on the door.
"Come in" I yelled loud enough for the person to hear.
An extremely attractive boy appeared at my doorway. I instantly recognized him as the boy in the hallway. Although I didn't get a good look at his face, I knew it was him.
"Uh, your brother just wanted me to.. Um tell you that we are going out" He nodded, reassuring himself, and gave me a soft smile.
"Okay, that's fine" I went back to my homework.
"Oh and he said you're coming with us. Dress nice" Then he exited the room, softly shutting the door.
Dress nice? That leaves me with so many options. I pull out my phone and texted my brother to clarify "nice"

From: The Bro
Dress for an epic party😏

He quickly responded. My heart dropped. I, Carter, do not do parties. Loud music, alcohol, intercourse, I just can't handle it.
I'd rather sit in my room watching movies and eating food. But, that's just me.
Knowing my brother would force me to go no matter what, I started getting ready.
I picked out black jeans, a black crop top that barely showed my stomach, and a black leather jacket. I don't know why, but I like black.
I curled my hair in tight waves and left it that way. I applied dark red lipstick, but other than that, no makeup. I wasn't going to waste my time with it.
Although people would classify me as a "nerd" or "outsider", I still knew how to dress.
For shoes I chose my black timberlands. I put them on and went downstairs where the guys were waiting for me. When they saw me come down the stairs, immediately their conversation stopped and they all turned to look at me.
I heard a few of them mutter and the others just stared. I awkwardly coughed and looked down at my hands.
"Well then.." My brother said "we should get going before we're late"
The other guys nodded in agreement and stood to leave.
One of them caught my eye. It was the one who came to my room, he was easily the most attractive of the bunch. Dark brown eyes, brown hair, dimples, straight white teeth, his arms covered in tattoos. He wore khakis, a navy blue button up shirt, and vans. Enough to make any girl melt.
As I walked out, he held the door for me, and whispered in my ear
"You look beautiful" I could feel the blood rush to my face as I mumbled a thank you and walked to my car. We split up 4 in my brothers car, 5 in mine. Immediately the boy in the khakis went to my car. He hopped in the passenger seat while the other 4 squished in the back. When everyone was settled, I started the car a sped out of the drive way.
"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Blake"
"Hi Blake. I'm Carter" I said back, slowing down at a stop sign.
"I know" he looked out the window.
The boys in the back started making sexual noises. Blake turned around and gave them a death glare while I sat there blushing like an idiot.
"Sorry, sorry" one of them laughed "I'm Chase" He had blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I liked him.
"I'm Mason" another responded. He had dark skin, dark hair, and dark eyes.
"I'm Chance!" Shouted another one. He has Red/Brown hair and brown eyes. I laughed at his excitement.
When the last one spoke, it startled me. "I'm Luke" his voice was deep and husky. He had dark brown, almost black hair. He had gorgeous gray eyes and freckles, like me.
"Hello" I responded to all of them.
Blake reached for the radio and turned it to a station that was playing my favorite song Hotline Bling. On cue, I started singing every word while the boys laughed at me. When it ended, we were all laughing our heads off. Except Luke, he had on only a small smirk. When I looked over at Blake, he was just staring at me. He didn't look away.
"What?" I asked him with a small giggle.
"You're gorgeous" he said without breaking his stare.
I scoffed and shook my head no.
"You don't believe me?" He asked.
"Not at all"
"Why not?" He asked, clearly confused.
"I'm far from beautiful" I shrugged.
He looked almost.. Offended.
"I'll change your mind about that one day" he said.
I pulled up to the address my brother told me. It was a large, White House.

I knew I was in for trouble.


I know, it's horrible😂 just stick with me and it will get better.


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