Chapter 7

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Carter's POV

Sadly, the weekend was over and I had to go back to hell.

I had no friends at my school. I mean, the guys in my brothers gang were kind of my friends. They had to follow me around and make sure that no guy tried to hurt me (they were put up to that by my brother himself).

The day had gone by slowly, but thank the lord above, it was lunch time.

I stood in the hot lunch line when someone gently tapped my shoulder. I spun around to see who the victim I uh I mean person was.

To the least of my surprise, it was Blake.

"Blake, I thought I made it clear last night that I don't want you around" I grabbed the tray the lunch lady was handing me. Oh wow, pizza. Again.

"But you're wrong, I don't just want to get into your pants" I scoffed

"You literally just admitted you wanted to take my virginity"

"No I didn't" he defended

"you said 'I don't just want to' meaning that you do" I gave the cashier my money. "Now please, leave me alone. You're popular, people might start to get ideas."

But he didn't leave me alone. Instead, he followed me all the way to the library where I ate.

"You eat in here?" He was confused "I thought there was no food aloud"

"Yes" I laughed "but when your peers refuse to talk to you, and make you seem like a social outcast, you spend most of your time making friends with the teachers. The librarian likes me, so she lets me eat in here"

"Oh" and then we were silent. I continued to eat, begging him to leave in my mind. But he never did. He just sat there watching me eat.

"Aren't you going to get food?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Not hungry" so we went back to me eating, and him watching.

When the bell rang signaling lunch was over, I practically flew out of my chair and ran for the door. Sadly, due to my lack of athleticism, Blake beat me to it.

"I'll walk you to class" he said

"I'll have to pass, you might try and rape me on the way there" And I left for my classroom.

"Son of a bitch" I heard Blake mumble to himself.

I opened my book. Since Blake ruined my reading time, I had to catch up on my way to class. I had just started reading when I ran into a wall, I fell to the floor, my books scattering everywhere.

"I'm so sorry!" I heard. Okay, guess it wasn't a wall. Sure felt like one.

I looked up. A gorgeous boy with light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes extending his hand to help me up.

"I-I'm sorry, I was reading my book" I could feel my face getting hot.

"You're cute when you blush" he stated, only making my face turn a darker shade of red. He just chuckled.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"I-uh Carter. I'm Carter"

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