Chapter 13

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After a week off of school, I had to go back. I was dreading this immensely, seeing as I still felt like I would throw up at any point in time.

But, against my will, I got up and began to get ready. I showered and dried my hair. Then I did what any normal teenager would do, I got back in bed and fell asleep for another 20 minutes.

After the most glorious 20 minutes of heavenly sleep, I was forced to get up again and get dressed.

I put on a pair of ripped light jeans, a black tank top and a maroon cardigan. Good enough for me.

I grabbed my car keys, a granola bar, and threw my backpack over my should.

"Jay! I'm leaving" I shouted, hoping Jay was awake.

"Bye, have fun" He screamed back, sleep evident in his voice.

I put on white high tops converse and raced out the door. Wouldn't want to be late on our first day back to school, now would we?

I arrived at school with ten minutes to spare. I sat parked for a minute to eat my breakfast.

Sadly, my procrastinating came to an end and I was forced to leave my comfortable car.

I trudged towards the school doors, already wanting to go back home and sleep.

Is dropping out an option at this point? Probably not.

I made it a good five minutes into the school when a voice called after me.

"Car Bug! Wait up!" Zack was fighting through a crowd of high schoolers to try and reach me.

"Carter hey. Where were you Friday? We were going to hangout" He asked me. His face didn't hold anger, but hurt.

I groaned and face palmed "Zack I'm so sorry, I did not mean to blow you off" guilt flooded through my voice "you remember what happened during soccer? Well, turns out it was more sever than I thought, and I had to be brought to the hospital"

His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped "oh wow. Why didn't you tell me? No it is totally okay we can always schedule another date" words flew from his mouth "Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"I'm okay, just a couple bumps and bruises" I shrugged.

"You should have told me"

"I'm sorry I didn't. I spent most of the days off sleeping and eating"

"I guess I understand. I'll walk you to class?"

I nodded in agreement and let him lead me to pre-calc.

We reached the door, and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before sprinting off towards his class.

Thankfully the day ended quickly. My homework load was large and the pain in my stomach was unbearable, but I kept going.

I had left my pain pills and home, so the pain was so severe I could hardly breathe, but I had to get home.

I started my car and turned the radio up, probably louder than it should be. I just got out of 7 hours in straight hell, let an injured girl enjoy some music.

I had gotten about half way home when it happened.

I swerved off of the road and slammed on my breaks. The pain was so immense, I couldn't breathe. I was clutching my stomach, gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned a shade of white.

I heard a door slam behind me, someone arrived at my window.

"Miss, are you alright?" An elderly lady asked me, fear and concern laced in her voice.

"Call 911!" I shouted. I knew this wasn't something that was just going to pass.

She nodded and immediately pulled her phone out. I saw her flag another car down, and one more person stopped.

This time it was a woman around 30 or 40 years old.

The two women exchanged words, then the younger lady ran to my car door.

I was still gasping from pain, tears streaming down my face. I was doing everything I possibly could to make sure I stayed conscious and breathing.

The women opened my car door, and crouched down next to me.

"Hello sweetie, I'm Amanda. Can you tell me your name?"

"C-Carter" I choked out.

"Okay, Carter. Everything is going to be alright, we are going to take care of you" She pulled me into her arms and stroked my hair.

Not long after, an ambulance arrived and I was put on a stretcher and into the vehicle.

The only thing I remember before passing out was me telling the doctors to call Blake, I needed Blake.

Blake's POV

"Get the money or I will beat your ass" Jay shouted over the phone.

"I know boss, I will. Don't worry about it"

"Good, fuck you" he hung up.

Jay had sent me to fetch money from someone who owed him, which I often did.

But this man owed over $500, so this was extremely important.

I had told the guy to meet me in a parking lot, hand over the money, and we would leave.

Simple as that.

I pulled into the parking lot, and was greeted by a green, rusted, pick-up truck.

I pulled over next to it, hopped out, and  stood in front of the man. He was a good 2 or 3 inches shorter than me, he had a large beard and a scar running down his face.

"you got the money?" I grumbled out. wow, this was starting to sound like a movie or something.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper bag. He slapped it into my awaiting palm and watched me as I counted it to make sure it was all there.

The bag contained all $500. I nodded my head and got back into my car.

He quickly got into his car as well and drove off.

I put the bag in a secret compartment, and started the engine. I was glad to leave, this place was awfully sketchy.

Before I had the chance to drive away from the horror movie worthy parking lot, my phone rang. I was a huge stickler for driving while on the phone, so I stopped the car and answered.

"Hello?" I asked. The number was unknown.

"Hi, is this Blake Parson?"

"Yes, this is him" I responded, clearly confused.

"Hello Sir. We just received a patient at our hospital with the name" she paused "Carter Myers" My heart stopped, my throat closed.

"She had an incident, and before she was put to sleep she insisted that you come see her"

"I'm on my way" I hung up and sped out the parking lot.

My girl, she needed me.

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