Chapter 9

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*important note at the end, please read*

There he was. In all his handsome glory, sitting there, giving me a smirk that would have most girls dropping their panties. I simply rolled my eyes and took a seat right up front.

"Kids, I have to run to the teachers lounge, I'll be back" the teacher said before quickly exiting the room. These teachers were about as mature as the students, and that was saying something.

I pulled out my calculus homework. I had gotten to the point where I was completely focused on the math, zoning out the rest of the world. It took Blake shouting in my ear to finally get out of my bubble.

I turned towards him "what do you want?"


"Well, that sucks doesn't it" I went back to my work.

"Listen, I'm really trying here. Can't you at least give me a chance for me to show you I'm actually a good guy" he paused " I mean, you can't really pass on this" he gestured to his body.

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the size of your ego"

"Ouch" he said, putting his fist up to his heart "that hurt, right here"

"Listen, Blake. I don't know what you want from me"

"I just want you to give me a chance" He sighed.

"Must I remind you, rule 25,
section 6 stating 'no gang members are allowed to make a move on the younger sister'" honestly, I thought this rule was pretty stupid. I was just desperate for him to leave me alone.

"Yeah, I know" he ran his hands through his hair before meeting his eyes with mine "just give me one date. If it's terrible, I'll never talk to you again. If it's a good date and you enjoy yourself, we'll see what happens"

I thought for a second.


See, I wasn't giving in that easily. All I had to do was go on the date, make it awful, and then I would never have to talk to the guy again. It's as simple as that.

"Really? Oh great" he gave me a huge grin, and then stood up and walked back to his seat.

Yep, so very great.

After I had finally been let out of detention, it was lunch time. I rushed into the cafeteria, keeping my head down.

The plan was simple. Enter, get lunch, leave. The tricky part was doing it unnoticed.

I had managed to make it past part one, when I was caught.

"Oi! Carter over here!" I heard her before I saw her. Lily was screaming at me from the other side of the cafeteria.

I could feel the blood rush to my face, my cheeks redder than tomatoes.

I kept walking, hoping she would give up. I quickly grabbed my lunch and paid.

"Hey Mate! Wanna sit with me?" Lily had caught up.

I didn't want to be rude, so I agreed and let her lead the way.

"I made some friends. They're super nice, I'm sure they will love you"

We stopped at a table of about 7 girls, none of which I had ever seen before.

"Ladies! This is my friend Carter"

"Hi" I gave a wave and a small smile.

"Yeah she doesn't talk much" Lily shrugged before sitting in the vacant chair. I chuckled and sat down in the last empty chair.

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