Chapter 17

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Jay's POV

I dropped the almost lifeless body onto a small bed in the corner of the room. I didn't bother making sure he was comfortable or warm, I simply punched the light switch down and walked out, slamming the door behind me. Once in the hallway, I realized I wasn't alone.

"He's fine" I grumbled, turning towards her.

"I know" She smiled, but happiness was not the emotion she was feeling. I could tell.

"Jay.. I think-" she stopped, her eyebrows knit together with confusion "I think I'm in love with him"

"With who?" My fists clenched, I stepped closer to her.

Carter looked at the ground, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"Blake. I think I'm in love with Blake" She looked up, determination laced in her eyes.

"No you aren't" I chuckled "You can't be"

"But I am" she stared at me, her expression hardening "You can't tell me how I'm feeling Jay"

"Yes I can!" I boomed "I know you better than anyone in the world and I know damn well you can't like him!"

"But that's the thing, you don't know me as well as you think you do" She scoffed "You're too busy with your pathetic little gang, doing God knows what. You never call to check up on me or see how I'm doing, you're barely even home anymore!"

"That's not true-" I tried to interject

"Shut the fuck up I'm talking" she growled "Don't act like you didn't make it Blake's job to protect because you were too fucking busy to do the job yourself, I know you did. But you still have the audacity to play the protective older brother role." She scowled at me, narrowed her eyebrows and spat "pathetic" before turning and walking into her room.

"Shit" I slid down the wall, placing my head between my knees. I fucked up, bad.

Blake's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, in an unfamiliar room. It was plain, the walls were white, with simple wood furniture. It looked as if it hadn't ever been touched. This room could only belong in one house, Carter's house.

I abruptly sat up, quickly slamming my hand onto the side of my face due to the pounding. I let out a loud groan, the sunlight streaming in through the windows only made it worse.

I stumbled my way to the door, slamming it open. I had been here before, so it didn't take long to find the bathroom.

Quickly I bent down in front of the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach.

After finishing, I wiped my mouth off and headed down stairs.

What came next, I definitely was not expecting. Nothing in the world could have prepared me.

Carter's POV

I had to wake up early this morning because my brother had called a meeting.

This meeting consisted of myself, my brother, and his entire gang. On an average day, me being in a room with his gang was a huge hell no But clearly, this was a special occasion.

We all sat around a small coffee table in the living room, listening to my brother ramble on about something I didn't understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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