Chapter 5

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Carter's POV

If anyone has ever told you "looks can be deceiving", they knew what they were talking about.
At first sight, I would never had guessed what was going on inside of the large house. It was beautiful, extremely modern. But the minute I stepped into the house, was the exact minute I wanted to leave.
The smell was what got to me first. Everything I feared about parties trapped into one toxic fume. I knew Blake could sense my fear when he gently grabbed my hand. I gave him a small smile and whispered thank you.

"Let's go over some rules!" He yelled over the music.

"1. Stay by me at all times, no matter what, don't let go of my hand" He said. But then he visibly paused. "Unless you have to use the bathroom. Then, please let go of my hand"

"2" he continued "don't accept open drinks from anyone. Don't drink anything that has already been opened. Only drink from pop cans, or water bottles. Someone could have slipped something in it."

"And 3. If someone offers you candy, do not accept it. Some evil genius came up with drugs that look exactly like candy" He chuckled "wish I had come up with that first"

I gave him a horrified look. His eyes widened.

"Not that I do drugs, no. No, trust me, I am all about school and smart stuff. Like you. Umm" he thought for a second "okay, I lied. Let's dance"

The dj was playing some song from what I assumed was Miley Cyrus. Maybe it was Taylor Swift? I really didn't know. I don't listen to this type of music.
None the less, Blake pulled me on to the dance floor. Things started off slow, but then he started doing the sprinkler and I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. It nearly killed me when he tried twerking. It looked like a goat giving birth!

"Blake... People... Are... Staring!!" I managed to choke out between laughs. He stopped what he was doing, looked at me, and said

"Good" Then continued to twerk. In the end, he tried wall twerking without a wall, got kicked in the face by an angry girl, and we had to leave the dance floor.

"I think that's going to form a bruise" I said examining the spot he had gotten kicked. The angry girl had been wearing 32 inch (taking a guess) heals. Okay, realistically they were only 5 inches, but they had seemed a lot higher than that.
  I walked him to the bathroom, and he sat on the counter.

"Um, stay here. Im going to find a first aid kit" I had seen a large closet at the end of the hall, so I was assuming there was one in there.

"No, you can't go without me" he got off the counter.

"It's fine, I can walk to the end of the hall by myself." He reluctantly agreed, and I set off on my journey to the end of the hall.
  I had only got about halfway there, when I heard

"Damn! I would tap that!" From behind me.

  I immediately froze in fear. Please tell me this person was not talking about me, please.
I slowly turned around and looked into the eyes of death itself. Alright, maybe I'm over reacting a little bit.
  I turned around to see a boy my age, with blonde curly hair, tan skin, and bright blue eyes towering over me.
  I cowered under his gaze. It seemed as if he could break me with one finger. Let's get one thing straight.
  When you spend all of your free time watching movies and reading books, you don't fit "working out" or "running" into your busy schedule. It just doesn't fit.
  Normally, I would have found him attractive. But in this specific situation, no.
  He lifted his hand, and for a second I thought he was going to hit me. I flinched.

"What's that baby girl? You scared?" Then much to my displeasure, he wrapped his arm around my body and placed his grubby hand smack on my behind.

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