Chapter 10

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I woke up to the smell of hand sanitizer and plastic.

Everything was blurry, I couldn't get my eyes to focus. All I saw was white, lots of white.

I sat up for a while, trying to take in my surroundings. I realized I was sitting on a small bed covered in white paper, in the schools support room.

There was someone sitting in the chair next to where I was laying, but their head was resting in their hands, I couldn't make out who it was.

"Hello?" I asked. My voice was quiet and hoarse.

His hand sprang up, the familiar blue eyes widening.

"You're awake" Blake said, moving closer to my side. "How do you feel?"

It's wasn't until then, that I had realized something felt different. The pain in my stomach was unbearable.

Blake noticed me cringe.

"Once of those bastards kicked you" he glared, he was clenching his fists so hard his knuckles where white.

I pulled up my shirt slightly, wincing at the sight. A bruise, the size of a basketball covered my stomach.

"Wow" I whispered.

"Yeah" Blake agreed "don't worry, I'm going to give him what he deserves"

"Don't do anything you will regret" I swung my legs off of the bed, and began to stand up.

"Hey hey, where are you going?" He tried to get me to sit back down.

"Out of here, it's depressing"

"You can't leave yet, you're still in pain"

"It's never stopped me before" I shrugged.

Blake was about to argue, but was interrupted by a piercing voice

"WHERE IS SHE?" I heard. The only person I wanted here right now.

"Miss, I'm afraid you can't go in there" I heard the nurse try to stop her.

I saw the familiar brunette pop her head in the room. Her eyes filled with concern, and she rushed to my side.

"Oh god, you don't look so good" Lily said, sitting next to me on the bed.

"I don't feel so good either"

"Let's get you out of here" she grabbed my hand, helping me stand up.

"Really? You too?" Blake ran his hands through his hair "she's in too much pain to leave"

"I'll manage, I'm not 5" I argued.

Blake grunted "fine" and he quickly and effortlessly lifted me up and carried me bridal style.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him

"Making sure you don't get hurt worse. Lily, grab her backpack"

I heard Lily mumble something under her breath, but she did as told and slung my backpack over her shoulder.

Blake kicked the door leading out of the school open with his foot, maneuvering me safely out.

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