Chapter 6

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Blake's POV

I had been sitting in that bathroom too long, I had to go find her.
Before the party, I had promised her brother I would protect her at all costs. If he found out I had let her out of my sight for that long, boy was I screwed.

I walked down the hallways towards the closet, but stopped dead in my tracks. I heard whimpering, it sounded like Carter.

"Carter?" I whispered "Come here girl!"

"She's not a fucking dog" I heard.

Oh, crap. It was Jay and he sounded pissed.

I slowly opened the door to the room they were in, and my heart burst at the sight.

Carter was curled up on Jay's lap, tears steaming down her face. While Jay just sat there giving me a death glare.

"Carter, oh I'm so sorry" I kneeled down next to them "I shouldn't have let you go alone" she looked at me

"It's okay, Blake. I'm a big girl" she gave a weak smile.

"But I want to protect you. I need to protect you"

"Okay, ass wipe. Get out of my face before I shove my foot so far up your ass, I'll be able to touch your non-existent brain."  Jay said, continuing to give me a death glare.

"Okay, okay. Sorry boss" I hung my head "I'm really sorry, Carter"  with that, I walked out of the room, and left the party.

Jay's POV (trying something different)

I was so pissed. I had gotten Blake to watch over Carter while at the party. I trusted him, plus I knew he was into her and would go through anything to protect her. But he fucked it up.

I would have done it myself, but I had to deal with some gang business. It was stupid of me to bring her. I just wanted to get her out of the house, but instead she got sexually assaulted.

Best brother award goes to me! Not.

I was going to track down that mother fucker and make him pay for what he did to my baby. No girl should be treated the way Carter had been.

Ever sense I was 14, it had been my responsibility to take care of Carter. Our parents were never around, they were too busy being perfect. When we were little they never sent money. I never saw a single dime from either of them. Now, both of us get at least $1,000 a week.

As a fourteen year old, the best job I could get was mowing laws. Sadly, with me and my baby sister, 5 dollars a lawn wasn't going to cut it.

So I resorted to gangs. I had met a man that said he would pay me half of the money we get from selling the drugs. All I had to do was bring them to the designated person, and bring back the money.

Every delivery I did got me $500 and i was doing about 5 a week. Eventually, the leader had grown old and passed the gang down to me. Now I'm the leader.

I had been able to provide food, clothes, anything my sister wanted. At 14, I had been able to take care of my 11 year old sister.

"Carter, do you want to go home?" I asked. She nodded her head, clearly she was exhausted.

I stood up, holding her in my arms, and walked down the stairs. The party was still raging, so I had to maneuver through all the people.

"Where ya going babe?" I heard a nasally voice come from behind me.

"Oh, just leaving" I said, continuing to walk away. I could hear the click of her high heals against the pavement.

"Who's the slut?" She asked. I stopped and turned around. This girl was pretty short, even with high heels, so short I had to look down.

"Listen here, 'babe'" sarcasm laced my voice. "You honestly can't call this girl in my arms a slut. Especially when A. She doesn't strip on a table, B. she doesn't pounce on every guy within 5 feet of her, and C. She is actually wearing clothes that conceal her belly button. Have a nice day" I winked at her, and continued towards my car. I heard a giggle and looked down to see Carter laughing at the scene.

"That was runny, yeah?" I asked her

"You're adorable" she said before passing out in the passenger seat.

I smiled at her sleeping form. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"I love you, so so much"

Blake's POV

I had messed up bad, so bad. And I felt horrible. I decided there was only one way to make up for what I had done.

Carter's POV

After that horrible night, I was glad to get comfortable in my bed and binge watch friends. Great, right?

I was halfway into my 5th or 6th episode (not really sure) when there was a tap on my window. I jolted so high up into the hair, I'm pretty sure my head touched the ceiling.

"Holy spawns of Voldemort!" I screamed. What? I get scared easily.

As if on cue, someone burst out laughing. Which, of course, scared me even more. Why was someone outside my room at one in the morning? I slowly walked towards the window, grabbing the only weapon in reach, which happened to be my Xbox controller. Oh well.

I moved my curtain, peaking my head past it to see outside.

"Blake! What are you doing?" I screamed at him.

There stood Blake, smirking at me from outside my room.

"I came to see you, and apologize. For letting you get hurt. It was my fault, I should have looked after you better" he rambled.

"Hey, hey" I shooshed him "shut up for a second." He chuckled. "I am 17, not 5. I can take care of myself. I don't need a bodyguard, nor should you feel like you need to be one. It was my own fault I got put in that situation, I should be able to protect myself better"

"I understand that. But I want to be able to protect you from danger, Carter. I want you to need me, I want you to look for me when you need to be protected"  I just stared at him, confused.

"Oh my god" I said, finally understanding "you just want to get in my pants, that's it. A girl who still has her virginity, that drags boys in. You're willing to say anything to get me into bed!" I scowled at him "have a good night" I spat before shutting my window and pulling the blinds closed.

The nerve of some guys.

Blake's POV

My heart had just been shattered.

That girl had managed to tear me apart so easily, she thought so little of me. I was so stupid.

This isn't a book, the good girl doesn't end up with the bad boy. I didn't deserve her.

But I want her so bad. I want to call her mine, I want to fall asleep with her in my arms.

She's been the only girl for me since I laid eyes on her, two years ago. Of course I wasn't going to give up, not a chance.

She thought all I wanted was to get into her pants. I mean, I did. I'm a guy, so of course I did. But I wanted her for so many other reasons she doesn't know.

God, if she thought I was going to give up, she was so wrong.

I wouldn't stop, I couldn't.


I updated!! I'm trying to update as much as possible.

Thanks you for 400 reads! I'm beyond happy for that.

Happy New Year(: yay 2016


He Does DrugsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora