Chapter 12

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*Un-Edited, read at your own risk*

"YOU'RE GOING HOMME!" Lily ran into my hospital room, her hands in the air, a large smile on her face.

I wore a matching grin. I was finally being discharged, meaning I get to leave this hell hole and go back home.

I climbed out of the scratchy bed I had been prisoned to, and threw on the sweatshirt Jay had brought me.

"Where's Jay?" I asked her

"Oh.." Her grin faded "he said he couldn't make it.. He'll see you late though"

"Okay" I nodded, disappointment filling my body.

"But hey it's okay, me and you can have a party by ourselves" She cheered, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, of course. Can't wait" I gave her a small smile, and began to pack the small amount of belongings I had been brought.

"Alright, looks like we can leave! You ready?" She asked, picking up one of my bags.

"Yes, let's get out of here no before I suffocate!" I laughed.

I signed out, and Lily drove us back to my house.

When I opened the front door, my jaw dropped.

In front of me stood Jay, Blake, and the rest of my friends.

My hand flew up to cover my mouth. Before I had time to register, someone threw their arms around me.

"Jay" I inhaled the familiar scent "I thought you wouldn't be here"

"I'll always be here for you" He smiled and pulled away. Only a few seconds later I was pulled into someone else's arms.

"It's good to see you in a setting other than the hospital" it was Blake.

Him and I had grown really close the past few days, he visited me everyday with a different type of flower and candy. I was really growing attached to him.

I gave him a quick squeeze before letting go. I hugged all of my other friends went to sit down.

"Thanks for coming everyone" I gave the group a huge smile, and sat down on the couch. I had just gotten home and I was already so exhausted.

"Okay, the pizza will be here soon. Carter you want to pick out a movie?" Lily asked

"No, it's okay. Someone else can" I said tiredly. At this point, I didn't really care what movie we watched, I just needed to go to bed.

"how about a horror movie?" Blake suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

I shot up, suddenly feeling very awake.

"Hell no" I quickly said

"Hell yeah!" Lily screamed.

"I can't no, I won't" my palms began to sweat. Me and horror movies do not mix well. At all.

"It's okay, you can snuggle with me if you get scared" Blake winked

"Oh hell no she won't!" Jay interrupted.

We ended up putting in a horror movie. The vote was 9 against 2. Only me and Jay were against the horror movie, me because I strongly dislike horror, and Jay because he strongly disliked Blake at the moment.

"Mine and Blake's favorite" Lily smirked evilly "13 ghosts"

The movie began playing, and I was already terrified. This wasn't one of those horror movies where you don't see the ghosts until the last minute, it got scary right off the bat.

I hugged a pillow tightly against my body, my legs curled up to my chest.

Jay had noticed my current position, and securely rapped his arms around my body and pulled me next to him. I smuggled into his side, but there was this constant nagging feeling wishing that I was snuggling with Blake instead of my older brother.

I woke up the next morning still on the couch, but alone. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, attempting to wake myself up.

"Hello? Jay?" I called out, hoping someone would come to my aid.

No one responded.

"Feeling the love guys!" I chuckled and stood up. A sharp pain was sent through my stomach, causing a stream of curse words to leave my mouth.

I lifted up my shirt and cringed. The basketball sized bruise hadn't gotten any better, and there was now an additional scar.

I groaned and abruptly stood up, ignoring the pain. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before heading upstairs.

I needed to go somewhere to relieve my mind of the pain, and obviously no one was going to help me.

I put on a sweatshirt and legging, through my hair in a ponytail, and left.

I decided against taking my car, knowing that would end badly, so I walked.

I followed a path through the park that lead to a lake I used to go to when I was a kid.

Few people knew about it, so it was alway a good option for when I needed to get away.

After a few minutes, I reached the rocks. It was a small rock beach with a beautiful lake for swimming.

I pulled off my shoes and dipped my feet in the water. Chilly, but refreshing.

I stood there for what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only 10 minutes.

It felt nice, not having anyone nagging on me or telling me how to live my life. Just me, myself, and the water.


Sorry for the short chapter, it was just a small filler one.

I'm sorry I haven't update recently, I've just been going through a rough patch in my life and I have been really busy.

I will be updating more often, and the next chapter should be a long one.

I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I could get 100 reads, let alone 19,000.

Seriously, that's so amazing and I can't thank you guys enough. Especially the people who are always commenting and watching for my updates!


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