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 Slowly it reared to around 6:00. Oliver had to get home for he had something to do. Adrian and I went to my room. I laid on my bed and Adrian just stood in my room awkwardly, which wasn't quite uncommon these days to be quite honest. Adrian was that type of kid. He was cute when he did that whole awkward standing.
"Dude, your house is huge." He says with astonishment. I laugh, it was true to be honest. I was blessed with this house, and it was absolutely gorgeous. It's pure modern it it's design, and it's designed in the most aesthetic sense that it could.

"You've never been to my Uncle's, his house is basically a castle, it's huge, like yo dude, I could go on, but damn, it's gorgeously huge, sadly I despise my uncle" I say to him, and Adrian opened the bathroom door.
"But dude, at least you have your own bathroom, I have to share one with my whole family and it gets super awkward at times to be honest." Adrian says, and I pull out a drawing that I was working on as Adrian was observing this same fact again, as he seemed to every day that he was over. I just smile at the awkwardness of Adrian's observations.

"It's kinda small though." I say, and Adrian walks back to the bean bags that were by the large window in my room. It peered out into all the other houses that were in the neighborhood and on the outskirts of the town, since the house was placed on the highest part of the whole neighborhood. It was very much a beautiful sight to see, especially when the sun started to set and the dim light illuminated the city and it crashed with lights from the city's streets and the buildings.
"But you have one, at least man, like c'mon, you can take hour long showers and no one harps on you because they need to take a damn poop, yet over at my place it seems there's always someone who needs to relieve themselves right when you strip naked and right before you get into the shower" He says, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. I noticed the sun was starting to go down, and the window in my room dimly illuminated the place. I liked to look out of it whenever I felt a little lost or when I needed to relax my brain. When I was younger, mom used to point out my gym from there, and she would always tell me how proud she was of me, and sometimes I felt like a failure for quitting my most beloved sport because of this dumb illness.

"Adrian." I say, and he makes his way over to where I stood.
"Yeah?" He asks me, and I point to the gym building.

"Remember?" He nods.

"Yeah, hell on Earth, but at the same time the best place ever. I don't know. Mom still brags about my years of competing." He says, and then awkwardly laughs. I nod in agreement.

"Definitely, oh man, my mom calls them 'The Glory Days' it sort of makes me feel like shit for quitting but y'know, it was all for the best." I say, and we sit on the bean bags by the window. It was calm in the house, and the July sun made me feel sort of at peace at this moment, and it seemed like earlier was just a bad dream, and I was still the same boy I was back then. I looked over at the wall that was near the window, and all the medals hanging on my wall and all the warm up jackets and meet shirts sort of brought back memories from the glory days of competing. They forever reminded me of that time, and I guess sometimes that was good, unless it was a rough night, which has started to happen more and more these days.

"Hey, Allen?" Adrian asks, which suddenly snaps me out of my daydreaming. I look over at him, still sort of dazed from my thoughts.
"Yeah, what's up man?" I ask him, and he looks down. It worried me a bit, but I knew he was decently stable, so it shouldn't worry me too much, yet it still did. He sighed quite audibly.

"I don't know, the silence is scaring me, I guess, I really don't know." He says, and I smile. Silence was never something either of us liked, it felt as if it was so much louder than noise, and it greatly made us feel uncomfortable if it occurred.

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