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 The days passed and it had become halloween, which I used to love, because of the candy and the celebrations, but now, god I was miserable.

The weather grew colder, and the trees grew bare, which just made everything look more like death, and it reminded me of myself and how my body was failing, but hey, Adrian and I were going to try and hit up places around town for candy because clearly restricting to 600 calories and having candy in the house was a perfect idea, but then afterwards we were going to go to a local punk show, which made up for the plans before. Costumes were weird, we were trying out some weird fx makeup stuff, and he was being some sort of creature and I was a dragon, it was weird man.

"Dude, you almost ready for this, we've only got a little time left until the show by the way." Adrian said from my room, as I was finishing gluing the scales on my face, which I thought was a good idea a few days ago, but god do I regret it, once I started to put them on. I finished and then grabbed my phone before we left. We got in my car and I turned up whatever was in the CD dock, which turned out to be Senses Fail.

"So where are we going now?" I asked, and started to back out of the driveway

"My neighborhood is pretty good for candy." Adrian said, so we drove to his neighborhood, and I parked the car at the side of the road.

"Will people even take us seriously, we're a lot older." I say, trying to find a way to get out of the whole candy thing, Adrian didn't take notice of the shakiness in my voice.

"You're right, let's just get to the show." He says, so we drive over to the show, and pay. Oliver was already there, and he seemed marveled at our get up.

"You two look fancy as fuck, woah." He says, admiring our costumes. Adrian smiles in appreciation.

"Thanks dude." Adrian said, and we stood in a corner and chatted for awhile while the band was setting up, we chatted away until the show started.

"You gonna rip people in the pit?" Oliver asked me, he was eagerly ready, stretching his limbs. I smiled, I didn't trust myself in the pit, but I knew Oliver needed to be with someone else in the pit.

"Ohh man, I'll try my hardest." I said, as I stretched my limbs, and hopped a little to warm up so my limbs didn't wreak havoc later. The show started, and as soon as the pit opened, we all ran in, I wasn't prepared, but it wasn't a terribly terrifying pit. Shows were like a catharsis to us, all the negative energy sort of left you I guess. It was definitely something on a different level. The bands started playing, and there were 4 that were playing. They were definitely decent, but I had to stop and leave the pit as my body became too weak to move that much anymore, afterwards I admired my bruises from the pit. They were sort of sacred, like a mark that that was a good show, or that it was worth going to. My body was bruising really fast again, which I guess is the reason my body is covered in them.
"Dude, how many bruises do you have? It's like every inch of your body is covered." Oliver observes as he ices down his own bruises, and hands me a water that he got from one of the bands. We sit on the couch in the back, and Adrian comes back and joins us. He sits on the armrest of the couch and chugs his own water.

"Dude, you guys were killing out there, holy fuck." He says, and then makes his way to sit next to me. I smile.
"Oh man, if only your spine wasn't so injured, you would've to man." I say, and Adrian smiles.

"We should probably get back home now, it's actually pretty late and my sister needs to get back." Adrian points out, and I look at the clock.

"Shit, yeah. Oliver, do you have a ride home?" I ask him, and he nods.
"Hell yeah go on ahead, see ya tomorrow for band practice." He says, and we wave goodbye. Adrian's sister pulls up to the venue, and we run outside and get in, and drive back to my house, when we get inside, the whole house was dark. I wash off all the makeup on my face, and so does Adrian, then we tiptoe upstairs and pass out in the bed.

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