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"Woah..just like the old days." I whispered as I opened my eyes slowly as Clarke hunched over me dabbing a cool wet cloth on my forehead.

"You never blacked out on the ark because of a rock in the old days if I remember correctly." She whispered back as a smile played on her lips

"You know what I meant." I told her as I winked at her as she blushed. I smiled as I sat up.

"I still got it." I said smirking as I stood up.

"How long have I been out?" I asked as I only saw Jasper knocked out on the floor and no one else other than Clarke and I.

"About a day and a half." Clarke said as I nodded. I noticed that Jasper was barely breathing and sickly pale.

"How is he?" I questioned

"Alive." She answered as I rolled my eyes at her

"Gee thanks Sherlock I would of never been able to make that deduction by myself." I said dripping in sarcasm

"So what has Blake done while I was out?" I asked sitting down on one the seats.

"He made people take off their wristbands for food." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well I can't say that it surprises me." I said standing up

"Where's my jacket?" I questioned

"Its back at the tent." She answered as she kneeled next to Jasper.

"Sorry I blacked out on you. I should of been more responsible out there. I left you with the responsibility of Jasper." I told her as I walked towards the hatch.

"You killing that creature fed the camp. You shouldn't be sorry." She said as I nodded and climbed down.
As I walked out of the drop ship the bright light blinded me. It took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust but as soon as they did I saw the campers all around working on a wall. The sun beamed on my skin warming me up.

As I walked towards my tent I didn't see anyone that I really knew. As I walked inside my tent I saw that my jacket and sweater was neatly folded on my cot and my gun rested on top.

"You're up." A voice suddenly said as I quickly grabbed the gun from the cot and turned around only to be faced with Bellamy who had his hands up and stared down the barrel of the gun.

"Its just you." I said as I lowered the gun and put it in my waistband.

"Yeah its just me." He said as he put his arms down.

"Do you need something?" I asked not understanding why in the world would he be in my tent.

"Not really." He said putting his hands on his hips as he looked at nothing in particular.

"I heard you were making the campers take off their wristbands for food?" I asked as I debated on wether or not I should put my sweater or not.

"Yes that's true. Did you have a problem?" He asked standing tall and crossing his arms across his chest. I smirked and placed the sweater back on the cot as I put my hands behind my back just like how my father did back on the ark when he wasn't going to take anybody's shit.

"Is this your way of taking control? Your way of sticking it to the man?" I asked he was about to answer but I raised my hand to silence him.

"My..parents are on the ark." I admitted

"My parents are running out of oxygen. They. Are. Dying. And its not just my parents up there. Its Miller's father, Jasper and Monty's parents, Clarke's mom and countless others.

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