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|I did what was best|

Playlist ~

Vampire Weekend

I wake up
My shoulder's cold
I've got to leave here
Before I go
I pull my shirt on
Walk out the door
Drag my feet along the floor
I pull my shirt on
Walk out the door
Drag my feet along the floor


*Leo's P.o.V.*

The only reason why I woke up was because I was thirsty and nauseous. I slowly opened my eyes as they tried to focus on the mess on the floor.

"Did I do that?" I asked myself aloud not remembering much from last night.

The room was too bright. It smelled of wildflowers as the breeze of mid afternoon filled the room. I got up very slowly trying not to provoke the spinning of the room. But it didn't help as I felt last nights contents coming up as I rushed to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat.

As I emptied my stomach for the next hour I sat there on the cold tile floor. All I could think about was going back to sleep.

But I dragged myself to the shower. I needed to wash off the sleep.

But even after the shower I was still sleepy. So I fell asleep once again.

When I woke up again it was early morning. The soft light of the sun hit the floor littered with clothes. It smelled of early morning dew. The room was unusually cold. Almost as if the window hadn't been closed during the night.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the clothes on the floor. They were in the exact place as yesterday. I stood up and took another shower and brushed my teeth.

When I got out I was dressed in clean clothes. Clean black skinny jeans, a long sleeved navy shirt, my heavy boots and a leather jacket.

I left the room and walked down the hall. The living room was empty so I didn't stop. I went straight outside to eat. It was early morning.

The fog still hugged the floor. It made it difficult to see long distance. There wasn't any line to get food so I was soon eating on a dew filled chair.

"You're alive?" I heard Lucas say with so much question. I looked up at him still eating.

"Supposedly." I responded as he sat down across from me with his tray of food.

"We're gonna go to Sector 7 today. You wanna come?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"Nah I'm going to go to work." I said as he seemed surprised.

After we finished eating I bid him good luck and left to my station. I was in charge of mapping the ground. To map the grounder villages, trading posts, closest mines, and rivers. 

When lunch came around I headed over to the Medic Station. The front desk was empty so I walked through the doors and saw Jackson vaccinating a small child.

"One moment." He said not looking up at me as he removed the needle from the small boy.

"You're all done." He said with a smile as his mom thanked him. They both left as Jackson started to clear everything.

"Have you seen Lydia?" I asked him as he thought.

"No I haven't. She didn't go with your brother and the rest to sector 7?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No I didn't see her get in the rover." I said thinking.

"I'll go check the engineering station then." I said as he nodded. I turned around and left swiftly. I walked down the road all made up of different buildings.

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