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|We Are Grounders Pt.1|


Dark side of the Moon
Pink Floyd


"How's Myles?" Leo asked as I cleaned the blood off my hands in the water tent.

"In pain but that's to be expected when you have an arrow pulled through your leg." I said as I dried my hands.

"How are you holding up?" She asked me as I exited the tent.

"I'm doing fine." I said crossing my arms as I faced her. I saw Raven leave Bellamy's tent fixing her clothes. She looked around to see if anyone was looking as I looked away a bit mad.

"We should go looking for them." I said to her

"Lydia you haven't slept in 2 days." Leo said to me.

"I'll sleep when Clarke is back." I told her as she shook her head.

"Lydia get your ass in the tent and sleep. Even if its just for a couple of hours. You're running on fumes." She said to me as she turned me around towards our tent.

"Fine." I said as I walked towards the tent.

"Don't worry I'll wake you if anything happens." Leo told me as I entered the tent. I took off my shoes and socks as I sat down on the bed. I sat there for a couple of minutes before taking off my pants and getting under the blanket as I stared at the ceiling.

I slowly drifted away.


When I woke up again it wasn't because I had enough sleep. It was because I was being shaken awake.

"What?" I asked my voice full of sleep as my eyes could barely open.

"Wake up." Leo said as she kept shaking me

"What? What's wrong?" I asked

"Jasper. Murphy has him in the drop ship." She said as I sat up

"What?" I asked more awake as I removed the blanket from me as I put my pants on before putting my socks and boots on.

"He has Jasper kidnapped." She said as I put my jacket on as I ran out of the tent as I saw everyone had stopped working I saw the the drop ship door was closed as Bellamy stood infront of the door talking to Raven as I kept walking.

I didn't speak to Bellamy as I started banging on the door.

"Murphy! Its me open up!" I said loudly as I kept banging on the door.

"Sorry Kane can't do." I heard Murphy say over the walkie that Bellamy had in his hand.

"Kane get your ass over here." Bellamy said as I ignored him as I turned to Leonora as I spoke in her ear.

"Who else is in there?" I asked

"Just them two." She said

"What about Myles?" I asked

"Murphy killed him." She said as I back away as I thought for a second.

"Our food and gunpowder still in there?" I asked as she nodded

"We need to get in there." I said

"How?" She asked

"From under. There's a loose panel on the side of the drop ship that we can get in through I'll be able to control the door from there." I spoke lowly so only she could hear

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