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| lonely, lovely, and lethal |

Playlist ~

Glory and Gore

There's a humming in the restless summer air
And we're slipping off the course that we prepared
But in all chaos, there is calculation
Dropping glasses just to hear them break
You've been drinking like the world was gonna end
Took a shiner from the fist of your best friend
It's clear that someone's gotta go
We mean it, but I promise we're not mean


It had been two weeks since Gina's first fight. The next night when we met up at fight club again I apologized too her for getting to rough.

But she told me that, she has never been more excited than then, and that there were no hard feelings.

Tonight, which was late Saturday night, was a pretty slow day. I had just finished having dinner with everyone outside and I decided that I wanted to go inside.

Of course they tried to hold me back since they were going to drink. But I just didn't feel like doing that.

So I walked into the ark and down the many hallways. But just as I was turning the corner that led to my hallway I saw a man taping up a letter on my door.

I creeped up on him and was able to see my name written on the letter. The man turned to me surprised but I quickly grabbed his head and smashed it into the door effectively knocking him out as he slumped onto the floor.

I snatched the letter off of the door and looked at it.

"I'm sure no one will miss you." I said as I dug the keys from my pocket and opened the door. I hooked my hands under his arms and dragged him inside as I kicked the door closed.

I dragged him through the living room and down the hallway that led to my room.

I opened my room door and dragged him and let him go as he fell to the floor. I closed the door behind me as I looked through my drawers.

I got duct tape and ran the duct tape several times over his mouth and around his head. I patted him down to make sure he wasn't armed which he wasn't.

I wrapped the duct tape around his wrists as I bounded him together. I then duct taped his feet together making him immobile. I sighed as I threw the duct tape on top of my drawers and sat down on my bed and opened the letter.

"Dear Lydia,

Steal one of the shock batons, a case of epinephrine, two bottles of morphine, and a box of ammunition.

Leave the items behind Raven's Workshop at 1am." I read aloud as I bunched up the letter and threw it behind me.

"Time to hide this piece of lump." I said as I got up and opened my closet. I dragged him into the closet and hid him underneath the clothes that were hanging. I threw clothes on top of him and closed the doors.

"Hey crap face." I heard Leo say just as I had closed the closet doors.

"Hey." I said after a few moments as I smiled nervously

"I wasn't expecting you so soon." I said as she took off her jacket as she gave me a weird face.

"Well I'll make sure I give you a heads up next time." She said as she out her jacket on the of the chair.

She sat down on her bed and kicked off her shoes.

"So....why did you come back so early?" I asked

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