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|eye to eye|

Shadows fill my mind up
Zeroes tell me my time's up
I lost count so long ago
maybe my heart's numb
Don't hold my hands accountable
they're young and they're dumb
Drive through the timezones
Escape out of my mind zone, love
I lost you not long ago
heaven knows I'm miserable
Hell takes all the credit, though, til the day is done
The emotion is suddenly out of me
The emotion is building up inside of me
And what you're looking for is suddenly out of reach
The emotion, the emotion

The Emotion

It has been three days since the destruction of Mt.Weather and Lexa finally had some answers for me.

"The ice nation was behind the attack." Lexa said as I stood on the balcony overlooking Polis.

"And what will happen?" I asked

"Well I will bring in their queen for questioning." Lexa said as I didn't turn to face her.

"And then?" I asked

"And then she will pay for her crimes." She answered as I looked out into the distance.

We stood there in silence as Lexa had her hands behind her back as she came to stand next to me.

"Have I done something wrong?" She asked as I looked at her.

"No." I answered

"It seems as if I did something wrong. What's on your mind?" She asked

"Nothings wrong. I'm just...settling into life as an ambassador." I lied she nodded

"I will have someone get you once the ice nation queen arrives." She said as she turned and left.

I heard her boots walk into the room and walk out as the door closed softly. I looked over my shoulder into the room before going inside as well.

I sat on the bed and scratched my forehead before I opened the trunk at the end of my bed and got the small walkie and closed the trunk.

I turned the walkie on as static filled the air. I pressed the button before I spoke.

"Blake?" I asked as I waited. I called another three times but he never answered. I put the walkie away sadly as I laid down on my bed and rested my eyes. It had been two days since he has picked up. I worried that he might be hurt.

I must have fallen asleep because I was being shaken awake.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked as I propped myself up on my elbows.

"The ice nation queen is here ambassador." He said as I nodded.

"Thank you." I said as I swung my legs over the bed. I rubbed my eyes before I stood up and put my black leather jacket on.

I left my fiery red hair as it was and walked out of my room and walked down to the throne room.

The doors were opened for me as I took my seat. All of the other ambassadors were filing in as well as Lexa was already on her throne.

Once everyone was in place they brought in the ice nation queen in chains. She kneeled infront of Lexa.

"Queen Nia of the ice nation you are here today because you are being accused of the destruction of Mt.Weather. What do you have to say for yourself?" Lexa asked

"I'm being blamed for the destruction of Mt.Weather? I think we should all thank wanheda for that. Isn't that right mountain slayer?" Nia asked me

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